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Trax 2005! (4th September @ Silverstone)


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Just editing typo in my line and desire for a 0-60. :)

1. DaveU

2. dsmithmobile

3. vRS_2003 - 2x Entry, Stand & Track

4. devonutopia - track + stand. + 0-60 if possible.

5. LFC958 - Track & Entry for 2 people ( poss 3)

6. bpm - Track & Stand

7. Q

8. Delcac - (15 second)Track & Stand

9. ncarring - stand and track (we are doing track again, aren't we Dave?)

10. piv34uk-stand & poss;4 x entry

11. Chrish-stand & second entry

12. Addsvrs - stand (2 poss 4)

13. Smifffy 3 f's - track & stand

14. Nigel26 - Stand (2 tickets pls).

15. Leeboy - stand and track

16. Bengie - stand, track and probably at least 3 tickets. will confirm in future

17. Steve - stand & Track (i'll bell you about the tickets)

18. Simon

19. KLB (Mike)

20. vRS_Si - Stand (2 tickets please)

21. Joel VRS Stand (1 ticket for now please)

22. Kansalis - Stand (2 tickets for sure, maybe more)

23. Skodaguy-Track and Stand (2 tickets)

24. Flatfourburble - Track & stand (2 tickets and maybe a few more)

25. vRSed (Tom). - Track and stand (2 tickets)

26. Roo - Stand (maybe track, I'll decide before tickets go on sale)

27. AntvRS - stand

28. HellFire - 0-60 run/Track & Stand (2 tickets)

29. KaiVaksdal - stand, 0-60, track and more track

30. WRCSixtyThree - Stand, Track, 2xtickets if I can get the day off

31. Mpopevrs

I guess I should really go as a new owner of a Fabia vRS and as I live less than 5 miles from the circuit.

Also going to USC (Ultimate Street Car) at Santa Pod late August if anybody else is going there this year...

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Top Posters In This Topic

1. DaveU

2. dsmithmobile

3. vRS_2003 - 2x Entry, Stand & Track

4. devonutopia - track + stand. + 0-60 if possible.

5. LFC958 - Track & Entry for 2 people ( poss 3)

6. bpm - Track & Stand

7. Q

8. Delcac - (15 second)Track & Stand

9. ncarring - stand and track (we are doing track again, aren't we Dave?)

10. piv34uk-stand & poss;4 x entry

11. Chrish-stand & second entry

12. Addsvrs - stand (2 poss 4)

13. Smifffy 3 f's - track & stand

14. Nigel26 - Stand (2 tickets pls).

15. Leeboy - stand and track

16. Bengie - stand, track and probably at least 3 tickets. will confirm in future

17. Steve - stand & Track (i'll bell you about the tickets)

18. Simon

19. KLB (Mike)

20. vRS_Si - Stand (2 tickets please)

21. Joel VRS Stand (1 ticket for now please)

22. Kansalis - Stand (2 tickets for sure, maybe more)

23. Skodaguy-Track and Stand (2 tickets)

24. Flatfourburble - Track & stand (2 tickets and maybe a few more)

25. vRSed (Tom). - Track and stand (2 tickets)

26. Roo - Stand (maybe track, I'll decide before tickets go on sale)

27. AntvRS - stand

28. HellFire - 0-60 run/Track & Stand (2 tickets)

29. KaiVaksdal - stand, 0-60, track and more track

30. WRCSixtyThree - Stand, Track, 2xtickets if I can get the day off

31. Mpopevrs

32. Fowlerwelsh - Stand & entry 2 (50% :thumbup: ill be there.... but may be in Zante on late booking)

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1. DaveU

2. dsmithmobile

3. vRS_2003 - 2x Entry, Stand & Track

4. devonutopia - track + stand. + 0-60 if possible.

5. LFC958 - Track & Entry for 2 people ( poss 3)

6. bpm - Track & Stand

7. Q

8. Delcac - (15 second)Track & Stand

9. ncarring - stand and track (we are doing track again, aren't we Dave?)

10. piv34uk-stand & poss;4 x entry

11. Chrish-stand & second entry

12. Addsvrs - stand (2 poss 4)

13. Smifffy 3 f's - track & stand

14. Nigel26 - Stand (2 tickets pls).

15. Leeboy - stand and track

16. Bengie - stand, track and probably at least 3 tickets. will confirm in future

17. Steve - stand & Track (i'll bell you about the tickets)

18. Simon

19. KLB (Mike)

20. vRS_Si - Stand (2 tickets please)

21. Joel VRS Stand (1 ticket for now please)

22. Kansalis - Stand (2 tickets for sure, maybe more)

23. Skodaguy-Track and Stand (2 tickets)

24. Flatfourburble - Track & stand (2 tickets and maybe a few more)

25. vRSed (Tom). - Track and stand (2 tickets)

26. Roo - Stand (maybe track, I'll decide before tickets go on sale)

27. AntvRS - stand

28. HellFire - 0-60 run/Track & Stand (2 tickets)

29. KaiVaksdal - stand, 0-60, track and more track

30. WRCSixtyThree - Stand, Track, 2xtickets if I can get the day off

31. Mpopevrs

32. Fowlerwelsh - Stand & entry 2 (50% ill be there.... but may be in Zante on late booking)

33. Makefish. I might be pi55ed, but I'm capable ot re-arranging the TRAX list. :D

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I wish i Knew the answer to that also, have tried to get more info but without much success, anybody out there with some answers??

Don't say that...I've just booked the ferry.

Comon Dave give us some info!

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1. DaveU

2. dsmithmobile

3. **Deleted**

4. vRS_2003 - 2x Entry, Stand & Track

5. devonutopia - track + stand

6. LFC958 - Track & Entry for 2 people ( poss 3)

7. bpm - Track & Stand

8. Q

9. *Deleted*

10. Delcac - (15 second)Track & Stand

11. ncarring - stand and track (we are doing track again, aren't we Dave?)

12.piv34uk-stand & poss;4 x entry

13. Chrish-stand & second entry

14. Addsvrs - stand (2 poss 4)

15. Smifffy 3 f's - track & stand

16. Nigel26 - Stand (2 tickets pls).

17. Leeboy - stand and track (though I reserve the right to an afternoon track session as I missed the morning session last year despite getting up at 5am, and only lasted a lap and half anyway!)

18. Bengie - stand, track and probably at least 3 tickets. will confirm in future

19. Steve - stand- to shake out the stones - Track- to gather 'em and i'll bell you about the tickets

20. Simon

21. KLB (Mike)

22. vRS_Si - Stand (2 tickets please)

23. Joel VRS Stand (1 ticket for now please)

24. Kansalis - Stand (2 tickets for sure, maybe more)

25. Skodaguy-Track and Stand (2 tickets)

26. Flatfourburble - Track & stand (2 tickets and maybe a few more)

27. vRSed (Tom). - Track and stand (2 tickets)

28. KaiVaksdal - FURVRS Track and stand plus another track later please

29.TonyvRS - Track and Stand (2 tickets for me please) :thumbup:


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1. DaveU

2. dsmithmobile

3. **Deleted**

4. vRS_2003 - 2x Entry, Stand & Track

5. devonutopia - track + stand

6. LFC958 - Track & Entry for 2 people ( poss 3)

7. bpm - Track & Stand

8. Q

9. *Deleted*

10. Delcac - (15 second)Track & Stand

11. ncarring - stand and track (we are doing track again, aren't we Dave?)

12.piv34uk-stand & poss;4 x entry

13. Chrish-stand & second entry

14. Addsvrs - stand (2 poss 4)

15. Smifffy 3 f's - track & stand

16. Nigel26 - Stand (2 tickets pls).

17. Leeboy - stand and track (though I reserve the right to an afternoon track session as I missed the morning session last year despite getting up at 5am, and only lasted a lap and half anyway!)

18. Bengie - stand, track and probably at least 3 tickets. will confirm in future

19. Steve - stand- to shake out the stones - Track- to gather 'em and i'll bell you about the tickets

20. Simon

21. KLB (Mike)

22. vRS_Si - Stand (2 tickets please)

23. Joel VRS Stand (1 ticket for now please)

24. Kansalis - Stand (2 tickets for sure, maybe more)

25. Skodaguy-Track and Stand (2 tickets)

26. Flatfourburble - Track & stand (2 tickets and maybe a few more)

27. vRSed (Tom). - Track and stand (2 tickets)

28. KaiVaksdal - FURVRS Track and stand plus another track later please

29.TonyvRS - Track and Stand (2 tickets for me please) :thumbup:

30. Makefish - Track n stand please (1 Ticket for now)

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Just a suggestion, but it seems to be working OK at the moment anyway, keep THIS thread for TRAX discussion (i.e NO more name adding down) and keep all discussion AWAY from the "role call" thread, so as not to confuse the numbers and stuff, which can happen in busy chitter chatter threads. ;)

For me , this has given me fresh impetus to get my car running properly.

Edit: I was wondering how much time

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