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Cruise Control?

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Fuel consumption is usually poorer with cruise on as it does whatever it can to maintain the speed. The advantage with using it though is you keep a clean lisence in 30's 40's etc :)

It's funny you should say that - I use the cruise on my Superb a lot, and find that the consumption is usually better on cruise (but that's probably because when I don't use it it's because I'm having to speed up and slow down a lot :D )

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Who uses the cruise control regularly?

Have you noticed any impact on fuel consumption?

Use it all the time.

Fuel consumption on cruise is a damn sight better than when using my right foot. Usually about 10% improvmement.

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I use it a lot but don't notice a difference in fuel consumption. I've always been a competent cruiser though (in terms of fuel economy).

If you use your cruise to resume after you've slowed down then you will probably notice it using more fuel as it uses harsh acceleration to get back to the normal speed compared to what you would normally do with your right foot.

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I've had it on my last 3 cars and hardly ever used it. Only used it once on the Octy since getting it and that was to test and compare it with my old Honda Accord & Ford Mondeo.

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I use it quite a lot, 'tis great for 40 and 50 zones for keeping speed in check. Have yet to try it on motorway, lack of them up here! Although travelling 500 miles on Thursday down the M6, so will have to play about with it (and the 6th gear :rolleyes: )......

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I love it, use it a lot, it does getter better fuel consumption than with me in control, but that's my driving for you ....

I have achieved better fuel consumption manually occasionally when I've been deliberately driving economically, I've had 35mpg manually and never bettered 33.5mpg with the cruise on.

Recommend it though ! :)

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I find that a frugal right foot will result in better mpg than using the cruise. Although saying that, the cruise is consistant in its results.

The advantage with using it though is you keep a clean lisence in 30's 40's etc :)

I'm not so sure, I was travelling bang on 40mph through the roadworks on the M25 on cruise, and I got flashed :eek: I now waiting for the dreaded letter to make a ominous thud on the door mat. :thumbdwn:

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The speed can increase from that set if the car is going downhill in a high gear. That apart I find that cruise maintains the set speed far more consistently than I can. Could the flash have been for a car travelling the other way? :(

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I have thought of all possibilities.......I was on a flat stretch of round, I had passed several other cameras while going through the roadworks, when it flashed the speedo hadn't moved from where it was, my snooper had picked it up on GPS and had locked on to the radar signature so had 250m warning. There was a large truck advancing then falling back repeatedly, but it was me who was on the road markings. :(

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Surely you would have had to be significantly over the posted limit to have triggered the camera? Could it have been a 30 limit in that section? Fingers crossed all will be OK.

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