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Quickie - Clutch Question

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Hi Everyone,

Been a while since I last posted, bu I have been hovering quietly... :)

Car is about to go in for the 70,000 mile service. The clutch has 'stuck down' a couple of mornings, but was OK after pulling it back up ater stalling!

I have been advised that this may be due to the master cylinder needing replacing. If this is the case, could it have been faulty? or is 70k mile OK for one of those. If it was potentially faulty, could it have been to blame for my relatively early clutch replacement? (Or should I just give up, get a new cylinder and move on!) :D



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My octy went back to the dealer after 3 months from new due to the same issue, they informed me that one of the clips that hold the pipe between the master and slave cylinder was letting in air. The funny thing is that the dealer changed the master cylinder, slave cylinder and pipe, I picked the car up after they fixed it and the next morning it done the same again. I just lifted it up with my foot and since then (fingers crossed) its been ok for the last two and a half years (and 27,000 miles later)

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I had my clutch master cylinder replaced under warranty for a later (modified) one. The problem sounds like yours and is one Skoda are aware of and have fixed - ie the clutch pedal sticking down. Mine happened when temperatures were around freezing or below.

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