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Smoking whilst Driving


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Most cyclists i see seem to ignore all the rules of the road anyway, so whats another couple of rules to ignore?

I agree. seen a few cyclists on the blower recently. Really does make me wonder why despite the lack of protection they have, they still do some of the most ridiculous i have seen on the road... but best not go down this route any further :giggle:

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I know the Welsh are only proposing to ask people to stop smoking in cars with children as passengers but it does open the debate on smoking in cars in general. I feel that smoking in cars is equally as dangerous as using a mobile, as someone else stated, because you have to ask yourself what the driver does if the glowing end of the fag accidently gets detached and lands in his/her lap, do they just gently pull over to the side of the road to extinguish the offending artical or do they, as I suspect, go into panic mode thrashing around looking for it whilst looking everywhere apart from where they are going? The health of those in the car is another reason. I worked in a garage many years ago when smoking was far more common you could always tell the smokers car by the colour of the headlining, usually a deep shade of orange! I imagine anyone travelling in a smokers car also has lungs that colour too :(

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