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Skoda MFD, few teething issues, anyone with a manual?

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OK, my Skoda MFD arrived today, I wacked it in the car, everything works as it should except one main thing, the sat nav!

It powered up fine, I went to the map and it shows my rough position, but when I try to get directions it says "you are no on a digitalised road" or something. So I checked the satellites and it shows 32 available but only 4-6 being used? So I tried programming it manually which hasnt helped. Went for a drive and it moved every now and then, but only once every few mins. The little arrow also points the wrong way :@

Anyone got any advice or ideas? I`v just got the GPS aerial sat on the dash at the moment so that must be ok where it is. Also does anyone have a PDF manual they wouldnt mind emailing me? Its hard work guessing what button does what in the menus lol.

Thanks in advance

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Can't help with the specific problem, but on a general note, I think there are 32 GPS satellites around the entire planet, full stop, and you only need to 'see' a minimum of 4 of them for Sat nav systems to work. Any extra satellites just enable your position to be calculated more accurately...

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  • 11 months later...

Sounds like a dodgy / dirty connection with the GPS connector. Pull it off, blow clean and try again making sure it is seated properly.

My work is 'not on a digitalised road' so I get that message / warning every time I set the sat nav to go there from random places.

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