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Fabia power-steering problem

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When I was in France on holiday I had some engine problems that they fixed. They noted there was a problem with the power steering in this version of the Fabia and that the dealer would need to do some work. I got this pdf describing the work in French.

My dealer here in Holland knows of no such issue, Does anyone have this same pdf in English perhaps so that I can explain to the dealer what needs to be done?


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Hi Johnathan

The 48E9 relates to a problem that all dealers should be aware of.

D`hule is the oil so it could be something to do with the power steering fluid.

But just mention that number and any dealer home or overseas should be able to help with that.

Hope you get it sorted , my french is not that good.

Could order you a meal in french , but not help with the garage.

Good luck!

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There isn't an official UK recall for this checking at the AA.

You can get the sense of what it's on about by cutting'n'pasting out of the document into http://world.altavista.com/tr

Here's the relevant check if you can see the rack:

Control collar of joint-bellows of the steering mechanism. If on the level of the joint-bellows a black collar or a collar with helicoid spring is then the action is not to realize. To proceed to the inscription in the Plan of Maintenance. If not to complete work in accordance with the present note.

Remember a LHD steering rack will be different from a RHD one so it might not apply to your car - assuning it's RHD... :)

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Thanks for the tips.

I called a few other Skoda garages and one remarked that there may be a notice for this in France but that it could just be for their series. He said they had no knowledgde of any issues with the power-steering on Dutch models. No recall notices like you say DRJ.

Probably nothing to worry about...

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TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS Action SKODA 48E9 22.1001/4.0 -516 - With 1

Page A 1

Erstausgabe: 1506.01

NOTE OF WORK for the action 48E9

On some Fabia pertaining to the beach of frame indicated above, it can occur of the difficulties

of handling of the direction or oil leakages with level of the joint-bellows of the mechanism of


1 Control 1

To check if it ya the inscription in the Plan of Maintenance.

Presence of the inscription: The action was already carried out,

not to carry out not other work

Absence of the inscription: Control collar of joint-bellows of the steering mechanism.

If on the level of the joint-bellows is a black collar or a collar

with helicoid spring then the action is not to realize. To proceed

with the inscription in the Plan of Maintenance.

If not to complete work in accordance with the present note.

11 Control oil 1 level.1

To be able to control the oil level on some vehicles of specific motorization, it is necessary

to deposit the air filter, the battery as well as the basin of this one.

The oil dipstick is on the reserve of the group motor-driven pump and must be in contact with

surface of hydraulic oil contained in the tank.

If the gauge is in contact with the oil surface: To proceed with items 2. and 4.

If the oil dipstick is not ~ in contact with surface of oil: To proceed with items 2.1, 3. and 4.

12 Replacement of collars 2.1

2.1 the collars of the steering mechanism must be replaced by the helicoid collars.

2.2 a hydraulic oil supplement must be carried out according to the need (manual for repair, sorter

2, chapter 48-7, page 2).

Spare parts necessary:

2 X R

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Had a search about and it would seem the check is for the type of clips fitted on the end of the boot.
So that is what it says in the previous post! :confused:
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