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Steering rack

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I have a 2001classic. The power steering light comes on some journeys. Goes off if you switch off and restart the engine. Some journeys it doesn't come on at all. Steering seems fine. (Headlights also flicker)

I have a secondhand 2005 rack with sensor available for £30. Can I swap rack and sensor as the sensor is the 2 vane type which won't go into my fitted 2001 rack? Are the racks the same otherwise? Do the electrics connect up OK?


I will do VCDS in the morning as I wonder if the DF lead needs replacing due to the flickering dash and lights, although ignition light does it's normal things. Might the sensor for steering rack be OK and it's just voltage issues?

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Not sure but the sensor i had on my 2001 Classic was the type with the wires permanently attached as opposed to the one that connects at the sensor.

The symptoms you describe are classic angle sensor failure but check battery, earth and alternator and flat fuse on top of the battery cover.

A new sensor is £98 from Rainworth after rebate but as you seem to be aware two versions exist. Personally I went new as the 'saving' wasn't that great and I wanted the comeback of warranty and to know the sensor I was fitting would work.

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Avalon thanks. I think I will get a new updated sensor from Rainworth. Tough on the price. I wonder how Skoda justify that. Can't cost more than a quid to make.

On another subject why are you the only member who will talk to me? I don't eat worms, shower regular and try to be polite.


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On another subject why are you the only member who will talk to me? I don't eat worms, shower regular and try to be polite.


Might be because we don't know the answer. :mmm:

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But this forum is the fount of all knowledge Skoda. There's a ton of very specific advice on all the faults found in these cars which has already been a great help. Of course I don't want shaky answers and I try to search before asking, often finding solutions. I have to admit coming from a kit car background I currently have a ford engine, nissan alternator, toyota radiator, ford flywheel, vauxhall clutch plate and release bearing driving my seven so I think nothing of mix and match. That leads to me asking some slightly wierd questions perhaps.


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I like weird, it's usually a good indication of independent thought.

TBH some people probably skip stuff that comes up regularly as it's been discussed, sometimes they forget what it's like to be new to a car and it's quirks and need advice, some won't have experienced the issue so can't add anything meaningful and weekends tend to be a bit mixed in terms of people logging in. Don't take it personally, vrs tuning threads get equally monotonous but you tend to find more owners are still interested. Non vrs owners tend to post more about faults and repairs than remaps, coilovers and brake upgrades.

Oh and I'm pretty sure some of the impolite worm eaters who are allergic to showers probably don't like you ;)

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first thing i would do is to check the battery / alternator / wiring as suggested above as this is the most common problem.

maybe your battery is not fully charged after winter...

the other question: NO the new style sensor (double blade) is 99% NOT gonna work with your power steering pump.

it is gonna plug in fine but most likely you will get NO COMMUNICATION error between the pump and sensor

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So a later rack and sensor won't talk to the early pump. So a later pump and it's bits would be needed.

I have done earths in the engine bay. They were as clean as. Despite good charge voltage and healthy battery I noticed the head and dash lights flickering a few nights ago. So DF wire is on the 'to do' list which seems never ending.

I bit the bullet and sent my 140 quid to Rainworth for a new sensor.


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