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My New Fabia vRS is Falling Apart!


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Before you read this please be aware that I am not bagging off the Furby, I am just highlighting what I've experienced. I take pride in my car and have looked after it with great care.

I've just covered a thousand miles in my new 2005 vRS and I have been driving very carefully and not revving the engine too hard, as directed by my dealer and the handbook. I have experienced the following problems:

(1) Vibration in the Gearbox. Very heavy vibration in the clutch pedal. Worst between 2000 & 3000 rpm. Gearbox is snagging in most gears and only really smoothes out at high speeds. It feels like the clutch is not fully disengaging. Also, very mechanical feel that was not present when I first started driving. Having difficulty changing from sixth to fifth, and vice versa. Noisy changes too. This problem is so off-putting that I am considering getting rid of my treasured little vRS.

(2) Vibration in interior light cluster at around 2000rpm that can be heard over the stereo!

(3) The storage box under the front left seat jammed closed and I could not get it open at all. I spent about half an hour! Eventually broke the handle off trying to prise it open! :doh:

(4) Rear head restraints vibrate badly at 2000 rpm also.

(5) Both rear number plate lights blew within the first 600 miles.

(6) Leather handbrake cover is loose.

(7) Weird knocking sound can be heard when clutch is depressed. This comes and goes sporadically. Gear change still very sticky. Although vibration slightly better.

(8) Drivers seat now squeaks really badly.... needs an oiling!

(9) Passenger seat squeaks now.

(10) Both rear springs creak really badly over relatively smooth surfaces and very loudly when the car is brought to a stop.

(11) Boot light not working. Not sure if it ever has.

(12) Getting less than 40 mpg even on motorway journeys.

(13) Clutch Pedal squeaks when released.

(14) Brake pipe clip under driver

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Gear box *will* get better, mine was awfull but now bedded in its completly gone :)

As for the other problems get your dealer to look at it, there's no excuse for loose leather on the handbrake, get them to replace it.

As for the viabrations i've been pretty lucky, but do a search I know there's been loads of threads on cures, might be some usefull tips there.

I dont know what to suggest about the seat storage box however :(


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I also own a 05 Vrs Furby. No huge problems. Only the odd rattle. Spoke to the dealer and they are aware of a rattle coming from the roof, padding apparantly to be done under warranty. Also rattle from far left of dash.

Other than that the car has done 7000 miles and I still love it. Bad luck on so many problems. As said get the dealer to sort it / exchange car.

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Nothing wrong with mine except the fuel flap release cable came out (but that was probably due to fitting sound deafening materials in fairness).

Dealer fixed that free of charge in about 5 mins, now if it happens again I can do it myself.

The car will definitely get quicker slowly, I have a feeling it took about 2k miles roughly for me, not caning it but driving it reasonably.


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Thanks dudes! I'm still very impressed by the car overall. I will get it into my dealer and give them my "list". They're very accommodating, and probably the best dealers I've ever dealt with, so they should get all the problems sorted ASAP.

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Not had any of the problems you have experienced,. i hope you get it sorted! i have owned a new 206 gti and a new Clio 172 before this and the Fabia lashes on them both for build.

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I've had none of those problems with my 09/04 build facelift version. The only time I've been back to the dealer was to get some top-up oil - though I've hardly used any of that unlike others...

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You should get them all fixed FOC under warranty.

If you do have any problems then let customer service know.

They are vaery helpfull.

But obviousley let the dealer sort this for you first.

Some of the problems though could be related.

Hope you get it sorted.

Could help if you could post on here to let us all know what the problems were though.

Good luck!

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I agree with most people here.

Make a list of ALL probs, give it to the dealer with the car and get them to sort them out.

keep a copy of the list & on return tick them off, if they have been sorted.

Take it from there.

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The clutch and gearbox vibrations seem to be fading...1200 miles, which I am very very happy about! :D Then again, maybe it's just I'm getting used to it? :confused:

Telephoned my dealer. They have agreed to sort all of the problems listed and even offered to fit my strut brace. They're not bothered about the air intake and they say that the brace and filter will not invalidate my warranty! :thumbup:

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@cjp80 - that's exactly what mine said too :thumbup:

IMHO the PD160 + filter + strut shouldn't anyway as they don't alter anything in a way that makes a warranty claim more (or less) likely :D

Did you fit the PD160 intake yourself? Just wondering from a 'if I get the bits and bring it to the dealer how much would it cost to get them to fit it' point of view :)

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I got in the car last night and the passenger side trim (near the handle) was laying on the floor.

Got a really annoying rattle in the back somewhere too.

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The clutch and gearbox vibrations seem to be fading...1200 miles' date=' which I am very very happy about! :D Then again, maybe it's just I'm getting used to it? :confused:

Telephoned my dealer. They have agreed to sort all of the problems listed and even offered to fit my strut brace. They're not bothered about the air intake and they say that the brace and filter will not invalidate my warranty! :thumbup:[/quote']

I picked mine up 01/03/2005 - now has 7000 on the clock. Had a problem changing down from 6 to 3 but that faded at around 4000. What I do have is the seat fabric "rubbing Up" in the centre on the Grey bit at the front of the driver's seat. Anyone else had this? - not where my legs are but between them.

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6th to 3rd :eek:

Do you bang your head on the screen as it slows you down!! :D

When it faded at 4k was that cause the gearbox dropped out :rofl:

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6th to 3rd :eek:

Do you bang your head on the screen as it slows you down!! :D

When it faded at 4k was that cause the gearbox dropped out :rofl:

No only when pulling up to junctions or lights, not when at speed, I'm not that big of a div!!! ;)

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I got in the car last night and the passenger side trim (near the handle) was laying on the floor.

I've got the exact same problem. Anyone getting out the passenger door needs to be careful or else the trim near the handle comes flying off.

The leather cover on my handbrake is loose as well, I can actually take it right off with no force at all.

No other problems so far though.

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UPDATE: 1250 miles, Two Weeks Old.

I have experienced the following problems:

(1) Vibration in the Gearbox. Very heavy vibration in the clutch pedal. Worst between 2000 & 3000 rpm. Gearbox is snagging in most gears and only really smoothes out at high speeds. It feels like the clutch is not fully disengaging. Also, very mechanical feel that was not present when I first started driving. Having difficulty changing from sixth to fifth, and vice versa. Noisy changes too. This problem is so off-putting that I am considering getting rid of my treasured little vRS.

(2) Vibration in interior light cluster at around 2000rpm that can be heard over the stereo!

(3) The storage box under the front left seat jammed closed and I could not get it open at all. I spent about half an hour! Eventually broke the handle off trying to prise it open! :doh:

(4) Rear head restraints vibrate badly at 2000 rpm also.

(5) Both rear number plate lights blew within the first 600 miles.

(6) Leather handbrake cover is loose.

(7) Weird knocking sound can be heard when clutch is depressed. This comes and goes sporadically. Gear change still very sticky. Although vibration slightly better.

(8) Drivers seat now squeaks really badly.... needs an oiling!

(9) Passenger seat squeaks now.

(10) Both rear springs creak really badly over relatively smooth surfaces and very loudly when the car is brought to a stop.

(11) Boot light not working. Not sure if it ever has.

(12) Getting less than 40 mpg even on motorway journeys.

(13) Clutch Pedal squeaks when released.

(14) Brake pipe clip under driver

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My dealer has told me that Skoda is aware of the gearbox/clutch problem - Says it just needs bedding in. What annoys me is that I have driven a MK4 Golf with the same engine and gearbox (apparently) and it was smooth and free from the vibration and restriction I feel.

Your not being bull****ted there, it will go away when the car has bedded in, mine was terrible but now has gone...

If I were you I would write a letter, listing the problems, etc, send a copy of the letter to Skoda UK, and tbh I'd request another car, tell them you are currently seeking legal advice, and actually go seek legal advice, if you dont want your letters being used in court always write without prejiduce...

What I wrote was very brief, but i'd really take my time and go to town on this, its not on...

Finally, good luck :thumbup:

p.s any mods you have done return back to standard ;)

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