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Stuck down clutch pedal

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Hi all,

I bought a Y plate 110TDi estate from a dealer about a month ago with 71k on the clock. It turned out the clutch was knackered, so got that replaced by the dealer, but now the clutch peddle sometimes get stuck to the floor. When this happens, it seems to be when the car is being manoeuvred (sp). Has happened a few times to me and the gf. It is not something silly like the floormat getting in the way - I checked!

I did mention this to a Skoda parts person and he said it might be the master cylinder. I guess these things have hydraulic clutches? Should I go back to the dealer and get them to look at that as well?



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As Colin has said.....however IIRC membes have tended to only see this when the weather is very cold. Mines done it twice and only when it was cold...not a peep since then.

Should be replaced under warranty as it's a know problem.

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Should be warranty if the car is still in warranty.

Go back to the garage you bought it from and ask them to replace the master cylinder and slave cylinder.

When I worked at the dealership we alwys replace both.

But if you just lift the pedal up , it should work again , but needs to be done.

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