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Come on then.....Who Went to Inters????

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Went On Sunday...........

Saw quite a few Octy vRS's on the way down on the A12/14, got a few waves/flashes! Cool!

Few miserable buggers out there too!

Only Saw one Furby in the club displays, Yellow with Mesh Grille, with Briskoda stickers on it, so must be someone on here, nobody with it though so couldn't chat :(

Met up with JonTDI, but didn't see anymore Furby's, also was no'one brave enough to try the sprint????????? My excuse is I was still running the engine in :)

Still enjoyed the show and got some cool stuff for my C!

Roll on next year!!!


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i went on saturday with boyce, was good day!! i saw the yellow furby too and also a silver one with porsche alloys, i also saw eddys vrs on the JBS stand and there 400bhp street sleeper ***Drool***

Was a good day!


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Went on Saturday, avoiding the rain. Missed the yellow Fab somehow but saw (Josh's?) one with the MkIVs.

Wouldn't have minded a go on the strip, just without all the crowd watching!

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Nice to have a chat with you again Steve!


Josh's Fabia looking nice with the Porsche alloys. (still prefer the vRS alloys myself!)


JBS big turbo Octavia is lurking in this pic somewhere!


Nice Mk2 Golf with Alfa pearl blue paint. Even had he rocker cover, inlet manifold & airflow meter in the same colour!


My favourite Mk1 Golf of the show.


Absolutely stunning Mk1 Golf with 16V on carbs with carbon fibre detailing


Dubweiser's mental Mk1 Golf with Sport Quattro engine & running gear. I think was running 0-60 in low 3 secs & 1/4 mile in low 11 secs.


Not much clearance on this Jetta! I dunno what it had under the bonnet, but the headlight lenses had been modified to accept the massive intercooler up front!

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JBS big turbo Octavia is lurking in this pic somewhere!

Nope, sorry, couldn't see the car. Something keeps catching my eye.

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That was one of the girls on the same stand as my car (JBS/Custom-Code) she was also in our hotel and managed to set the fire alarm off with her straighteners! We got a free drink out of the hotel for the inconvenience though!

One of the Firemen thought he was amusing saying the girls had to pay the

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The yellow Furby would be me. Sorry I wasn't around. Was off bargain hunting. :thumbup:

That gorgeous red Mk1 Golf won the Show and Shine on Saturday and as it won best in show was automatically entered for the concours event on Sunday. He hid his trophy and ribbon though as he didn't think it was really good enough! :rolleyes: I know of the owner through a good friend of mine. Alot of work has gone into it to get it to the stage it's at now.

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Hi all!

Wow, what a week! I went to the Worthersee show in Austria (well, the pre-show actually, but it was still absolutely awesome!) and then on to Inters.

Nice to see some photos of my car... I thought the wheels were going to be a bit controversial, but everyone I spoke to said they thought they suited the car well... I think with the suspension it gives the car a euro look with a bit of aggression thrown in as well.

The suspension needs raising a tad at the front as I scraped the splash guard a couple of times down the single-track roads on the way to our holiday cottage (luckilly I was doing about 5mph and it was just the shape of the road (cambered on each side with a hump in the middle) that made it touch... But I live out in the sticks myself, so I'll no doubt need to drive down similar roads round here from time to time.

Apart from that though, the H&R Coilovers and Toyo T1-R's make the car handle SO well... A bit bouncy due to them being on their lowest setting (for the show), but I'm sure when it's raised up a little, it'll be awesome!

Anyway, that was a bit off topic, so I'll get back on track...

Inters was a bit of a dissapointment for me, especially because I'd just come back from Europe's premier show, but I'm sure with some fine-tuning and better weather, it could get back on track.

I took no photos as my memory card is stuffed to the brim with Worthersee pictures, but it's nice to see other people's as it's like seeing the show through a fresh set of eyes!

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Aye Jon, nice to catch up! Nice pics too, got anymore of the JBS Girls ;)

No more I'm afraid!

Got myself a bargain - Set of Eibach Pro Dampers from Jabbasport for

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eddy, you got a high res copy of that pic? I need a new desktop picture.

Sorry, not my photo (I'm actually in it) just one I found on another site.

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Good show this weekend, shame the weather kept taking a change for the worst.

Highlight of the show for me... Warming up on saturday night in the jacuzzi at the hotel! Very amusing seeing the fake tan disapearing off the girls into the water!

Saw a fair few Octy's in the car park, loads of Fabia's about... didn't see any on the road on the way back though.

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