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Good deal? or not?

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False economy!

You've killed an oem clutch in x miles or 6 months. Now if mr clutch will give you a warranty for the engine power then cool, but I doubt anywhere gives you a warranty for wearing it out, which you will if running 180odd.

So you may end up changing it again in 6 months, which might suit if planning on selling it etc...

A high power clutch is expensive, but you will be able to enjoy the cars power all the time every time, not nurse it on what seems like a deal now.

I'd personally if I had a remapped Fabia would not put an oem or 3rd party oem clutch in it. I'd make do untill I could put a 400+ft lbs or equivilent uprated one in.

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Thanks guy's don't really know what to do would love an uprated one but its just so expensive to be honest I didn't think I was running the car that hard to cause this to happen!

Scooby Chris - I think they are justreplacing the plates the mech is mfine (I think, being no mechanic myself!)

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Decisions, Decisions :)

If you're going to keep the car for 50k miles + with the power you want, them IMHO, i'd swallow the pill and pay for the best I could afford.

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I use all the torque now! May thanks why its gone! How do you not use all of your torque!

if you clutch is slipping then your not putting all the power down so your not using all your torque. Though I could be wrong on that.

it is your choice I was merely saying to me it would make more sense to upgrade the clutch, but we are not all the same. As long as your happy with that then go for it

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if you clutch is slipping then your not putting all the power down so your not using all your torque. Though I could be wrong on that.

it is your choice I was merely saying to me it would make more sense to upgrade the clutch' date=' but we are not all the same. As long as your happy with that then go for it[/quote']

I agree with you Mike I would love a modded clutch but I have done 10k after it being chipped and it hasn't slipped ONCE but yesterday it did so its telling me I have a problem and clutch is on its way out, when I bought the car it had already done 10k so maybe the previous owner contributed to it being a problem now! I predict it lastly approx 20k hopefully more

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Well think about it ;)

I see where your coming from. I use similar logic myself sometimes. If the long term is in the game plan then I'd think about the uprated one. If it's not I wouldn't. Bear in mind my 1.8OCty clutch lasted for 53k mapped miles, another members lasted

Mine began to slip then seemed to get better...oddly enough I now have far better mpg (although a few factors effect that).

However a point to remember is it's only slipping on change...so change gently then hoof it. Thats what I'm doing now to bed new clutch in. Yes it's a pain but once engaged I can go and I don't loose that much pace for doing non power load shifting :D

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I know there are a few mapped furbies nursing clutches.

I dont know what you are on about :P

Stu if your happy with that then dont change it, I wasn't sure how long the clutch had lasted for (mileage wise) just working on a time frame. I guess it just depends on where you want to take your furbie, me on the other hand intend to tune it more at a later date so an upgrade would make more sense for me ;)

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Mine has done 15k nearly and I freely rag it quite a lot yet to date my clutch hasnt slipped, when it does or when I need a new one I will get the JBS uprated one, that way I can boot anytime anywhere without having any issues for the life of the car but until that point in time I dont see the need to spend

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