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Vrs rear number plate led help

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Hi guys

I seem to having a problem with my number leds for some reason they keep blowing ive gone through 2 sets of led bulbs in december, as im aware before changing to led normal bulb seemed to work alright, leds are suppose to last longer. would you guys have any ideas why these led are blowing ive used to different manufacturers just incase it was a manufacture fault and i will say ive earthed my active sub to the rear light chassis would this affect this at all. any ideas would help

Thanks Simon

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I had this problem, I think the seal on the holder was knackered as it was slightly damp compared to the other side.

Bought a secondhand holder off evilbay with a better seal and has been fine since, about 2 months now, when it would blow in 2 weeks before

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well i did replace both holders with a better seal and put new leds in not cheap ones and a few days later they blow again there must be a solution to this problem i notice i get flickers on the dash

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  • 11 months later...

LED bulbs should last for years.  A quoted MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) value of 50000 hours means that a bulb used 8 hours a day should last for over 17 years.   Might be a lot less in a car with moisture, vibrations and other factors, but you get the idea.  But LED's are destroyed by two things, too much current, and heat.

LED's bought for cars should not die due to current as they are rated for use in 12V systems.  Only if the system is generating voltages above this value will too much current flow in the led.   Too much current causes internal overheating of the led, and it eventually melts itself and stops working.


I have successfully installed 5W cree LED festoons into the number plate lights and have no problems.   To correct the bulb failure warnings I had to solder a ceramic 10W 75 ohms resistor to pull the missing current not pulled by the led bulbs.  These bulbs are very bright and stand out, compared with the standard bulbs.


I also checked and found an earth wire from the left rear light cluster to earthing point behing left hand boot liner was loose at the nut, and corroded a bit.   Cleaned this up and tightened earthing nut, and all now ok.   Had intermittent bulb failure warnings before I solved this.  Worth a look at all earthing points in the area for loose or corroded ones.  It may be possible that an intermittent connection to the leds is causing voltage spikes that eventually cause the led to breakdown internally and fail.

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