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Yellow Peril

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Others get the two confused :)

I have Skoda envy!

Just shown my wife and she went 'ooh nice, could we have had a yellow one?!' Lol

There you go Lee (@Preston Motors) and you were worried about selling it in future! :D

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The spoiler that came on the Elegance was on the DSG - just a little lip but definately finished the back end off.

As a thought Richard, we never spoke about this, just mentioned in passing?!

P.S. First dibs on the GTR when you have a clearout, I've got £5,000 + three buttons, a half eaten Mars Bar and some trouser fluff :think:

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But I'm having a bit of a clear out in a month or so and will need to sell a few off.

I've had a clear out of dvd's, I've had a clear out of clothes, I've cleared out the garage, never have I had to have a clear out of cars :D

You are a lucky and crazy man.

Not seen too many rapids and the ones I have are generally in dull colours and I'm instantly uninterested.

A yellow one would change that I think.

On a side note are you building a collection so that when Skoda release a hyper car you'll get yourself one of the few invitations to purchase (a la Ferrari)? ;)

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I'm not going to say as it's quite frankly a bit embarrassing.

But I'm having a bit of a clear out in a month or so and will need to sell a few off.

Keeping the Yeti though. :)

Yes, it looks almost exactly the same. (IMO)

And I forgot about the leaf and the Nissan thingy

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

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I'm sure I remember seeing you buy a MKII Fabia VRS estate in race blue from eBay a while back -or did I dream that one?

You weren't tempted with one of those Preston Motors special Rapids (elegance 1.6 diesels)?

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Richard, the Rapid is 5x100 so same fitment as the mk2 Fabia vRS - how about a set of black gigaros, they are black with a diamond cut lip.

Keeps it oem +

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Greenstripe - he had the vRS in race blue, you didn't dream it :)

I sold that to Preston Motors after I had it for 4 days.

In theory it was a great car, estate too.

But it was the most boring Skoda I've ever had to drive. (apologies to the mkII VRS Fab drivers)

I am clearly not DSG compatible.

Got a 2006 mkI Fab VRS and I much prefer it.

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You weren't tempted with one of those Preston Motors special Rapids (elegance 1.6 diesels)?

Honestly, if I answer that you'll think I'm even more off my rocker. :peek:

I don't intend to do huge miles so wanted a petrol. Plus if it does end up having a bit of surgery a petrol to petrol conversion is easier.

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Richard, the Rapid is 5x100 so same fitment as the mk2 Fabia vRS - how about a set of black gigaros, they are black with a diamond cut lip.

Keeps it oem +

I don't like those rims. :(

Being all black with just a bit of silver lip showing makes it look (unless seen square on) like you've kerbed your rims. (IMO)

I've got three months until the car arrives, so plenty of time to think about it.

The ones Rapid Ronnie has mentioned above are better, but I'm thinking of living dangerously and going non-OEM for a change.

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Another car; think you might need your own dealership soon :giggle:

Be interested in your review of the TSI 105 Rapid; be the one for me if I was in the market. The choice of colour I like also, although I did the yellow car thing long ago with my second car, a former Jersey rental D reg Fiesta 1.1L B)

Mind my late mother was glad when I traded it in for a dark blue Escort; couldn't stand the thing on the drive :rofl:



Edited by The Plumber
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