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Clutch smell

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Anyone else get a strong smell from the clutch after driving for any length of time?

I had the plate replaced about a month ago, but the smell is still there (if not as strong)

I am not heavy on the clutch and have never worn one out in 15 years of driving.

Maybe it is just residue from the previous clutch which had been overheated by other drivers?

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Just out of curiosity do you have Air-con?

If you do is it working correctly or as well as normal?

Reason for the Odd questions:

I had a bad smell of burning clutch in and outside of the car (drivers side wheel) and it turned out to be the Clutch in the Air-con compressor. Had to have the compressor replaced.

The clutches failing on these units is very common so it might be worth getting it checked.

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Anyone else get a strong smell from the clutch after driving for any length of time?

I had the plate replaced about a month ago' date=' but the smell is still there (if not as strong)

I am not heavy on the clutch and have never worn one out in 15 years of driving.

Maybe it is just residue from the previous clutch which had been overheated by other drivers?[/quote']

Sorry , but it should be more than just the clutch plate that was replaced.

The pressure plate should also be replaced.

You will find that these clutches are hydraulic.

I saw a Fabia with just over 1000 miles on the clock come in with smoke pouring out around the gearbox.

The lovely lady said "I dont ride the clutch"

It is so easy on the hydraulics to do that.

But something to keep in mind.

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Mr Peas,

not to sure if this would only happen with the climate on.

I agree with JBS though you should have had a clutch kit installed, which I believe consists of new plate, pressure plate and thrust bearing.

Not sure if this works but away of testing the clutch is to apply the hand brake, put the car in first gear and slowly lift the clutch pedal without using the accelerator, engine should stall. If it doesn't stall your clutch is slipping. I've never tried this myself and I very much doubt its 100% accurate.

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