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Remaps and second hand value

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I'm considering taking the plunge and getting a remap done now that the warrantee's almost run out, but I'm a bit worried about how it will effect the resale value of the car. Anyone got any experience of this?


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Dealers may not be interested in a modded car as it will be harder for them to sell on, but you might find for a private sale it sets yours apart from other examples. Obviously assuming you go for a reputable remap, but as with all mods, don't expect to get your money back when you sell :D


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There are a few people out there that would prefer to purchase a car with the remap already as it saves them having it done.

The best thing to do is to get a feel for the market.

We do on the odd occasion get calls from people who are looking for a remapped car and with engine mods already done to the car.

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I'm not sure that a map will add value to your car, perhaps the opposite. What I would say is that when you come to sell, if you didn't mention it would anyone know?

Ok, so the car would go like 'snot of a chicken's lip' but if it was your first drive you'd just be really impressed with the car.

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I'm considering taking the plunge and getting a remap done now that the warrantee's almost run out' date=' but I'm a bit worried about how it will effect the resale value of the car. Anyone got any experience of this?


dont worry b happy :)remap remap and have the time of ur life m8 :thumbup: get a revo u can always take it out. :thumbdwn:

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When I come to sell my car I'll probably switch the Bailey for a standard DV then no one will ever know its non-standard.

Boviously if they ask I'll say it has a remap but generally speaking, whats the chances of them being interested? Its an Elegance estate after all :D

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