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Lights on warning buzzer

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I REALLY need some feed-back from anyone who owns or has owned a Fabia Classic 1.2 12v.

The dealer I bought the car from tells me that this model DOESN'T have a warning sound when the keys are taken out of the ignition and the drivers door is opened. Mine is a 2005 model, but I assume that this feature should be standard equipment on all models.

Please, please take a moment to tell me your experience. I want to show the dealer that the warranty should cover repair to this fault, if, and it's a big if, is this a factory fitted feature?

Any help, really appreciated.

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I have a 2004 model combi 1.2 12v. This has the warning buzzer for lights on when keys are removed. Also quite annoyingly if you leave your indicator on. Took me five minutes of wth time to figure out why it was buzzing at me :S

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Could be three things I guess.

1) Not fitted (unlikely)

2) The 'speaker' has failed. Does it beep if you drive off with the handbrake on? Or when it runs low on fuel?

3) The door sensor has failed, so the car doesn't know when to beep. If you open/shut the door, do in the interior lights work as you'd expect? (Unlock it, wait for the lights to go out, then open the door. If it's working, the lights should come on. If they don't, the switch in the door has likely failed.)

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Could be three things I guess.

1) Not fitted (unlikely)

2) The 'speaker' has failed. Does it beep if you drive off with the handbrake on? Or when it runs low on fuel?

3) The door sensor has failed, so the car doesn't know when to beep. If you open/shut the door, do in the interior lights work as you'd expect? (Unlock it, wait for the lights to go out, then open the door. If it's working, the lights should come on. If they don't, the switch in the door has likely failed.)

Thank you for the information.

1: The beeper does sound if I drive off with the handbrake on.

2: The interior lights ONLY come on if the passenger door is opened.

It sounds like the switch in the door has gone. I just hope he dealer accepts that Fabia's should have this feature.

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i mine also done it and i also was sat in car at shop wondering why it was buzzing,,,then i seen indicator stalk lol

It seems like a really weird feature to have a warning that you've left your indicators on. Surely, (unlike the lights) the indicators stop flashing once the ignition key has been removed.

It sounds like EU beurocracy with a "health and safety" twist.

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Does indeed sound like a duff switch/sensor. Even if he doesn't accept that arugment, that switch is also used for the alarms and the feature whereby the car locks itself if no-one opens the door within ** minutes/seconds.

RE the indicator - in VAGs (I dunno why they bother though), if you leave the indicator on, the side lights on the respective side of the car stay on, intended I guess to highlight where the car is when parked. IMO though, the feature would be better if it turned on the lights on the other side of the car, so people could see where the driver's side was, not the passenger's side so there's less chance of hitting it. (Assuming of course everyone obeys the law whereby you park in the direction of traffic ;) )

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It seems like a really weird feature to have a warning that you've left your indicators on. Surely, (unlike the lights) the indicators stop flashing once the ignition key has been removed.

It sounds like EU beurocracy with a "health and safety" twist.

Does indeed sound like a duff switch/sensor. Even if he doesn't accept that arugment, that switch is also used for the alarms and the feature whereby the car locks itself if no-one opens the door within ** minutes/seconds.

RE the indicator - in VAGs (I dunno why they bother though), if you leave the indicator on, the side lights on the respective side of the car stay on, intended I guess to highlight where the car is when parked. IMO though, the feature would be better if it turned on the lights on the other side of the car, so people could see where the driver's side was, not the passenger's side so there's less chance of hitting it. (Assuming of course everyone obeys the law whereby you park in the direction of traffic ;) )

If you leave your indicator on when the car is off you have parking lights on the side of your car which is away from the curb. In some countries it's the law that you need these, in fact if you park in Britain on a 30+ mph stretch of road you need to have parking lights on so that other cars can see yours when it's dark.

In fact, a little google search gives this https://www.gov.uk/w...ight-248-to-252


All vehicles MUST display parking lights when parked on a road or a lay-by on a road with a speed limit greater than 30 mph (48 km/h).

Law RVLR reg 24


Cars, goods vehicles not exceeding 1525 kg unladen weight, invalid carriages, motorcycles and pedal cycles may be parked without lights on a road (or lay-by) with a speed limit of 30 mph (48 km/h) or less if they are

  • at least 10 metres (32 feet) away from any junction, close to the kerb and facing in the direction of the traffic flow
  • in a recognised parking place or lay-by.

Other vehicles and trailers, and all vehicles with projecting loads, MUST NOT be left on a road at night without lights.

Laws RVLR reg 24 & CUR reg 82(7)


Parking in fog. It is especially dangerous to park on the road in fog. If it is unavoidable, leave your parking lights or sidelights on.

Sounds daft I know, but that's the Highway Code for you!

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If your indicator stalk is in the 'I'm indicating left' position when you pull the keys out, the parking lights on the left of the car remain on, and the 'I'm indicating right' position leaves the right hand parking lights on. Isn't it that simple?

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If your indicator stalk is in the 'I'm indicating left' position when you pull the keys out, the parking lights on the left of the car remain on, and the 'I'm indicating right' position leaves the right hand parking lights on. Isn't it that simple?

Yep, pretty much.

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Thank you to all of you who've replied to this topic. The dealer now accepts that there is a fault (probably the drivers door switch) and is arranging a car electrician to solve the problem. RESULT.

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Could also have something to do with an aftermarket stereo if you have one fitted:

When i installed an aftermarket sony... buzzer noise stopped

When i replaced it with OEM .... buzzer noise returned

Think it has something to do with the wiring and stereo connector pins

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That's something to do with the K-line being feed 12v by the radio isn't it? Sure I read something about that when I was trying to fix a comms issue with my Golf and VAGCOM.

Still, result that they're gonna look at/fix it for you! :)

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