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Exterior temp sensor?

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Guest Fabia 12v

Mine was also reading 19C and car was parked in sun... was thinking exactly the same thing as you!!

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Guest Fabia 12v
You can try swapping the sensor, its in the bumper down behind the n/s grill.

wiring run with fog lights?

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Mine recently went silly & slowly got worse,, it seemed to read incredibly low first thing in the morning (-24.5 as an example last week )& then slowly improve, it was fixed under warranty & it was corrosion in a wire leading to the sensor rather than the sensor itself so if you have a problem & its not warranteed check this first.

Whilst it was faulty, once it had sorted itself after about 5 miles it was generally reading about 10 degrees below the actual temp. BIG DOWNSIDE is that the aircon wont deliver cold air if the temp its sensing is below -4

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Guest Fabia 12v
lol i still think you looked at the wrong reading :rofl:


fabias dont have climate control!! So very difficult to read wrong!!

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