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After reading the many and varied posts on the subject of induction kits I still find myself confused.

Which is considered to be the best kit for the VRS?

Who sells them and how much?

Is there much performance gain?

What about performance pannel filters?

Is it going to knacker my engine?

Any assistance you can give will be greatly appreciated!


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Ok, I'll bite first (will I was when I'd started typing).

A few Cold Air Induction kits out there. Firstly don't get a heavily oiled filter. These are generally associated with K&N kits and can really muck up the MAF by sucking in the oil.

I have a Dynatwist which I got from Badger5 @

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For what its worth Mike at Jabba really doesn't see any of these having much benefit as the std panel filter is so good. The one he sells is for the Golf MkIV and works well there as it is heat shielded but in the vRS there is way of sealing it as Adrian says. It will be interesting to see what Mike gets out of Skodaw's with this fitted later this week.

Ideally the inlet pipe needs to be routed into the inner wing rather than the engine bay to draw in colder air. To do that the hole needs to be enlarged to take the large (3 inch diameter) pipe, some of us would prefer not to have to do that for resale reasons.


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My intake pipe takes the same route as the ABD one; down the side of the battery and just below the headlamp. As Chris say I wouldhave liked it to take the standard route but the original inner wing hole is too small.

I don't understand why Mike say this if he sells one?? Unless he was comparing the filtrations properties of paper, metal and cotton gauze in which case he's correct; paper is better although it cloggs up quicker.

From my experience of the Dynatwist is that it has made a difference and low end response it much improved. May be the low down laziness of my engine was air intake related and hence my improvement. So on normally functioning engine the improvement wouldn't be that noticeable (??).

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I agree but he told me this again yesterday. As you and DaveU have both found benefits this is even more strange. He did say it was more vulnerable to dirt accumulation hence the inner wing route is best. Let's see what Skodaw's does, when is it? I am patiently waiting for the ABD kit.


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I think if you had the intake pipe down by the bottom grill then yes I agree. Also the INVO metal gauze filters used by Jabba and similar to that for the ABD lets dust through (obviously there's only so fine a mesh you can do in metal and I'd imagine it would get really expensive if they could do it finer).

Mike showed my one of their kits fitted to a Golf IV and the filter did have dust inside of it.

I've gone the cotton gauze route which is lightly oiled which I reckon is a good compromise. Only thing is I have to clean the MAF periodically as a precaution. Haven't heard any MAF failures due to the Dynatwist.

I believe Dave is being done today; better temp today as well. Lucky b*gger.;)



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Life used to be so much easier when I first started tuning cars. Slap a K+N on it and it will make it better!!

Thanks a lot for your opinions though guys.

How often should you clean you MAF with the dynatwist kit Adrian, and how much of a pain in the arse is it?


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haven't done it yet.:D

It doesn't look too difficult but you have to be careful handling the MAF as it's quite delicate, apparently. I thin the only difficulty is getting that spring clip thingy off which is on the RHS of the MAF.

Not sure how often I should clean it; I suppose it depends whether you live or drive through a dirty area e.g. building site etc.

I suppose every 5k miles.(?) I'm sure somene will have an better view on it.



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Well guy's -- just returned from Jabba(after 285 mile return journey :D :D) -- spoke to Elton this morning -- he said he really didn't think it worthwhile fitting their CAI to the vRS -- as per comment's made earlier -- also didn't think it would make a lot of difference to power either - so opted to save the money.

Am I happy with the remap ----- YES

Will post dyno plot seperate thread in a bit -- just need to wipe the grin off my face first :rofl:

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Should also point out Elton said Jabba were looking into doing a CAI specifically for the vRS.

He also said they would no longer be using the steel invo filters........didn't specify what they would be using - just said they are not particulary suitable as first thought.

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Originally posted by SkodiRS in this post


haven't done it yet.:D

It doesn't look too difficult but you have to be careful handling the MAF as it's quite delicate, apparently. I thin the only difficulty is getting that spring clip thingy off which is on the RHS of the MAF.

Not sure how often I should clean it; I suppose it depends whether you live or drive through a dirty area e.g. building site etc.

I suppose every 5k miles.(?) I'm sure somene will have an better view on it.



I have been running Green filters, cotton gauze and lightly oiled for 30K miles... without any trace of oil tracking out of the filter itself. Zero dust has passed also. Its flowing 350bhp worth of air these days without any issues at all.

I like em and they have proven to be MAF friendly. Not saying that MAF's don;t fail with them on, but those that do (if any) will have failed anyhow alongside all the std cars with dying MAF's. Crappy designed and very fragile it seems, especially to vibration!



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Originally posted by ffelan in this post

my inlets are down to the near side bumper vent... straight into my heat shielded filter...works a treat


Can you give me some details of your heatshielding as I want to insulate the ABD inlet pipe and where the filter sits relative to the grill. Is yours paper or metal?


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Originally posted by SkodiRS in this post

Hi Bill,

who often would you suggest cleaning the MAF?

must point out that the Green Filters that Bill's talking about are the makers of the Dynatwist.

Isn't there some replacement MAF which is failure prone?



Diesel MAF's seem to be the highest failures at the mo... but petrol ones seem to be catching them up. The failures I have experienced have been vibration caused. Nothing to do with oil or contamination. Given UK roads & firm suspension, I can see how vibration is a major contributory factor to the failures (particularly diesels)

Oil is rebreathed by the engines as std, for emissions control. Take a look at a reasonably milage 10K+ 1.8T and you will find oil throughout the induction tract. Some of it does venture back up towards the MAF too.



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