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New Maps now available to download

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Are you guys downloading the complete version or are you downloading the individual files?


I am assuming from the download times you're mentioning you're downloading the large file.


My car was built week 20 so likely will have outdated maps when I finally take delivery.


Can you download the update to a USB stick, as I don't have an SD card large enough? My car will have the Columbus.



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Looks like the download has speeded up a little - perhaps less download pressure at their end? We have BT at about 40mb here, and it downloaded in around 90mins.


8 mins to extract and the job's done.

Lucky you.

Internet where i am is never brilliant (no fibre optic) but this download is stupid. Ive had to do the individual files, as the complete one is going to take too long.

Im looking between 90mins and 2hrs for each part.


I still reckon it will fail to work somewhere along the line as well. All this crap about 7zip software. Never needed that for zipped files before.


Thats if i ever get to that stage. Im ready to cancel the whole thing and just never update the maps.

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If you delete the previous version on the SD card by formatting the card, remember to do it in FAT32 and not the later version.  For some reason it will only work in FAT32, but that may have changed for this later edition.  Easiest way around it is just to delete the old data and forget about formatting.



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You'd think the dealers would get it downloaded and be more than happy to provide the update to our cards..only takes a few mins once the download has been done.... 

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I am hoping my dealer will download it as not being "techie" & all this talk about zipping and Fat 32 will probably fry the few grey cells I have left!!

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Why do you need the 3 years free updates if you can just download for free anyway?


Good point, but I suppose not everyone is tech minded like us.



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This is where i get worried. The files ive downloaded dont give me the option of extracting them onto the SD card. I dont reckon they are zipped files.


Well, copying them normally over onto the SD card. Lets see if it works as it should do once in the car.

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This is where i get worried. The files ive downloaded dont give me the option of extracting them onto the SD card. I dont reckon they are zipped files.


Well, copying them normally over onto the SD card. Lets see if it works as it should do once in the car.


They aren't zip files, they are 7zip files. It's a different program, easily confusing!


You can download it from here:


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They aren't zip files, they are 7zip files. It's a different program, easily confusing!


You can download it from here:


Yeah id downloaded that, expecting to use it to extract the files, but that never worked.

However i think ive worked it out now. Ive opened the first file that ive downloaded using the 7zip program to open it. That then combined them all together like the original files were. So now copying that over to the SD card. See what this does.


Edit- I only opened the first of the files id downloaded. That seemed to do the trick. Hopefully i wasnt meant to open them all.

Edited by JungleJames
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Ords - www.navigation.com/skoda-en is the link I'm using to update and should be in English.

I am using Chrome.

At first the web page I got was in Czech and clicking 'English' didn't change the language.

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So, has anyone noticed any major changes with the new maps?

Can you now choose house numbers when navigating to a postcode?

Update is applying to mine at the moment, it takes a while for the MIB Columbus :(

Isnt it just any changes to road layouts etc. Didnt think there would be anything major

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Who knows?

I can't seem to find any kind of changelog and I've heard that Skoda would distribute 'fixes' via the map update downloads.

The navigate to postcode needs fixing - since the very early days of SatNavs you have been able to navigate to a full postcode and house number, yet somehow these new MIB units will only do the postcode .........

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Absolute doddle took 45minutes to download. Extracted using winzip job done.

Glad it only took you only 45mins. Mine was about 90mins to 2hrs for each file. So between 10 and 12hrs in total i suppose.

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Glad it only took you only 45mins. Mine was about 90mins to 2hrs for each file. So between 10 and 12hrs in total i suppose.



My 18Gb download for the Columbus took about an hour and a half. That was the second time, the first time one of the files was corrupt and it wouldn't extract :(


I found IE was more reliable than Chrome for once.

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My 18Gb download for the Columbus took about an hour and a half. That was the second time, the first time one of the files was corrupt and it wouldn't extract :(


I found IE was more reliable than Chrome for once.

Think its partly my internet connection. Not veryfast in this area.

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