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New Maps now available to download

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I could live without, if I'm being honest (and could definitely live without the Gracenote DB).  Must admit the main reason for getting the Columbus was the larger screen.


How big is the data set once extracted from the 18GB archive?  I think someone said 27GB on here... there really must be optimisations that can be made - TomTom's Western Europe app on the iPhone takes up < 2GB of space.  Is there really 25GB worth of 3D models in there?  Or are Nokia's "Here" maps (which I believe VAG now use) really that big?  Do they have an unbelievably massive POI database?  It just seems... wrong - but I can't quite put my finger on why.

A shade over 19Gb - have a look at this post.

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This is getting on my Wazz, I downloaded the maps for my Amundsen which took over night extracted with 7zip and put them onto a 8gb SD card because i didnt want to risk putting the new maps on my existing card until I knew all was well.


I have just put the card in the SD slot in the Car & it comes up with an error message and it wont work. My SD card says its formatted to FAT32, any ideas Guys?

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This is getting on my Wazz, I downloaded the maps for my Amundsen which took over night extracted with 7zip and put them onto a 8gb SD card because i didnt want to risk putting the new maps on my existing card until I knew all was well.


I have just put the card in the SD slot in the Car & it comes up with an error message and it wont work. My SD card says its formatted to FAT32, any ideas Guys?

Yes, for the Amundsen they have to go on the original card or it doesn't work as stated multiple times in this thread and in the Skoda instructions.


Back your existing card up first if you are concerned.

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Just done my Amundsen. And it's worth pointing out that if you can't be bothered to wait to transfer it all over to the SD card, you can remove all of the country maps you don't need. I've got UK and Ireland only.

I reckon it runs a little quicker too this way.

Edited by sjrainsford
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  • 2 weeks later...

As anyone else found that their Miss Amundsen seems to be going very slow since installing the new maps on the SD card?


With the maps being kept on the SD card, I wouldnt have thought this would happen, but it certainly seems to be slower, especially on Sat Nav mode. Very slow

I didn't get chance to try the previous version because I put the new maps on as soon as I got my new car. It takes quite a while to boot up and plan a route. I have an amundsen. Anything I can do to speed it up?

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I didn't get chance to try the previous version because I put the new maps on as soon as I got my new car. It takes quite a while to boot up and plan a route. I have an amundsen. Anything I can do to speed it up?

I get the impression my SatNav has now sped up and is working pretty much as it was before. Think it was just the first couple of days after the initial update.

Sounds odd doesnt it?


It is slow when the car is first started up, but thats the same with most SatNavs. Waiting for an accurate GPS signal i guess.

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I found some time yesterday to update Columbus maps but no success. It found and started the update normally but went to sleep in like 10min when I was gone. Turned the thing back on and there was an error displayed saying the software update can't be found. Tried to restart the update several times in the next 2 hours but it wouldn't let me - also the navi was not working. Finally after 3 hours it went back to previous state with old maps and the option to update available again. It was late then so I'll try again today maybe. 


Anyone else experienced something similar? 

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I tried one more time and now I can't even turn the damn thing off. The update went fine up to 48% then the unit turned off and after I turned it back on again and went back to update settings I got an error that data is not available etc. Now I can't turn it off  :wall:

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Don't worry about the unit turning off - just leave it alone and it will pick up the update from where it left off after a couple of minutes when you next turn it on. You don't have to go in to any menus to start the update process off again.

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Maybe I screwed up with pressing update again but it would be only logical to see some progress bar instead of giving me an error over and over again. ****ty software IMO. Oh well third time's the charm they say...

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I get the impression my SatNav has now sped up and is working pretty much as it was before. Think it was just the first couple of days after the initial update.

Sounds odd doesnt it?


It is slow when the car is first started up, but thats the same with most SatNavs. Waiting for an accurate GPS signal i guess.

I've found that if you use the RH steering wheel scroller to select a previous journey, it seems a bit quicker, so now, I select my journey for "tomorrow" when I park up at night, then in the morning, it is on the recents list for selection..

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I've found that if you use the RH steering wheel scroller to select a previous journey, it seems a bit quicker, so now, I select my journey for "tomorrow" when I park up at night, then in the morning, it is on the recents list for selection..

Yeah i often start my route the day before.

Shall try from thesteering wheel next time.

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  • 1 month later...

Just an update to my updating. After spending 9 hours downloading the files, I thought all was good, however I have checked & my Amundsen still says I have version 036. I only noticed this when I was sat at Calais ferry port last week and had an hour to kill so had a look at the settings. I let out a loud arghhhh when I found out, we love our Octavia but updating of the Sat Nav is a Skoda disgrace, if it was just me then I would happily put it down to user error. But as you can see from this thread nearly everyone is having problems.

Any pointers as to what I should do next ?

Thanks in advance.

Edited by fatbelly33
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  • 3 weeks later...

That will be your problem then - others have had problems when using Macs as it creates hidden files in the FAT32 file system.

You need to use 7zip on a PC to be 100% certain - I am sure there are ways round it with a mac, but don't know what they are.


For reference, your card should look like this:



Genius - that's spot on. I've just updated my Columbus with a Mac running Mavericks and you do indeed need to remove all the metadata OSX puts on media for the Columbus to accept it. This means do any of the following:


  • Use the Terminal to remove all the hidden files at the root of the SD card.
  • Show hidden files and delete them via the Finder.
  • Purchase BlueHarvest and it'll do it all for you automatically across all your drives (including network drives).


Once gone, Columbus recognises it immediately when you insert the SD card.

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My car is only 2 weeks old yet the maps are not the current version!!!


The maps will be loaded when the unit is manufactured, not when the car is bolted together.  Therefore, depending on the stock levels and orders for each unit, it's entirely probable that the maps will be out of date by the time the car reaches you.  It would be nice, however, if the dealer would update the maps (if required) during the PDI.

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So that would be an Amundsen then?


Try downloading again, it could be a corrupted download.


Did 7-zip display any errors?


Extract to your PC and then copy across to the card rather than extract to the card directly can help as well.

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Can anyone helpI have just installed updated my amundsen sat nav from 0036 to 0040,and all the road numbers and street names have disappeared !

So did you download and try again?

Did 7-zip display any errors?

Trying to help you out here, but you need to actually respond rather than ask for help again :)


Pretty sure this happened to someone else and they deleted the download and did the whole process again and it worked fine.

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So did you download and try again?

Did 7-zip display any errors?

Trying to help you out here, but you need to actually respond rather than ask for help again :)


Pretty sure this happened to someone else and they deleted the download and did the whole process again and it worked fine.



andyvee is right.


He may be referring to me. Search on my username for several posts I have made in the past detailing the steps I now take when performing the update. I don't claim to be the worlds leading expert but through trial and error these steps reliably work for me.


I haven't got time at the moment to search for this myself. Its a pity there is not a sticky as this question keeps coming up. I'd write one when I get time if the mods are interested?


Losing points of information after an update is a sure sign of a corrupt file somewhere. The problem with NAVTEQ's system is that their database is fragmented across a zillion file sets, some of which are tiny. I have found to my cost that a minor error in the file header of one file can have profound conseqences  across the whole system. The problem is that the sat nav still works to a certain extent with the corrupt file but a lot of odd behaviour begins to be exhibited.

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Yep - the problem is 99% certain to be a corrupt or missing file. This could be because the download is corrupted, the extracting of the files corrupted it, copying over to the card or even not ejecting the card cleanly so the file was still in a write buffer and not written to the card.


Easiest thing to do is do the whole thing again from scratch, but delete the files you downloaded and extracted from your PC before you start. Follow the instructions to the letter and it will work.

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