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Who's got the dirtiest car?


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This was mine until a couple of weeks ago....


The best part of 8 months of built up crap :giggle:

8 MONTHS! Mine gets washed at LEAST once every three weeks. 


I felt awful taking it out in public when I needed to get the house wifi sorted the other week so I could then enjoy a long leisurely car cleaning regimen when we got home. 

I would really go mental if ours got anywhere near those states. 

I've got to go, I'm having shakes and palpitations thinking about the cars I've seen on this thread. 

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Me too, the neighbours think I have got OCD I wash the car that much. Even on fathers day in the rain ( because it started raining half way through and if you've started you got to finish). When the rain had stopped I had to go out and dry it and remove the water marks with BSD.

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I have started to wash it every 2 to 3 weeks now, although it's been about a month since I did it last simply because I haven't had any time. I took the car in for a service 2 weeks after washing it, then last week I was doing something or it was wet, can't remember right. and then yesterday I bought a new snow foam lance and was going to test that out but I spent all day building my dads greenhouse. So hopefully it will be good next week and I can clean it. I'll clean it, then take the before pictures for the DA polishing, because if I'm going to start with the DA I don't want to wast any time with before pics, and it will be nice and clean so they'll show up. Then I'll have to take some pictures or make a list of everything I have in my cleaning boxes and make another thread to make sure I have everything I need to start on with the DA, then do a last minute trip to Halfords on the day to get anything that's needed and then start with the work.

So please detailers, help me out on that thread so I don't get stuck because at the minute I have so much stuff I can't keep track of it all.


Edit: Yeah, miles off topic, sorry.

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8 MONTHS! Mine gets washed at LEAST once every three weeks. 


I felt awful taking it out in public when I needed to get the house wifi sorted the other week so I could then enjoy a long leisurely car cleaning regimen when we got home. 

I would really go mental if ours got anywhere near those states. 

I've got to go, I'm having shakes and palpitations thinking about the cars I've seen on this thread.

Yeah I know but I refuse to let anyone else touch it and me man cave wasn't ready for me :(

All sorted now and gets a quick wash weekly/bi-weekly :p

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Once every three weeks!!!

Mine gets washed .....up to 3 times a week

It'd be nice to do it more but with working nightshifts and friends cars to clean and the car never looks dirty other than the gradual build up of brake dust and the odd bird bomb but bird bombs get tackled straight away with some QD and cloths always kept in the car. 

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  • 5 months later...

500+ miles a week, mainly involving country backroads and farm tracks. and no time to wash the car! Its not that bad at the moment, but when I realise i cant see out the side windows I know its time for a rinse!

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must admit never clean mine ,,,,wifes always moaning about it ....just not interested they wash it when it has a service in October other than that maybe twice a year if its lucky

I have two greatdanes so you can imagine the state inside ,,,I need a car big enough hence the estate and something what will eat the miles and start at 4am on a morning without fail .

other than that just not interested in it ....its just a car

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Truth be told Mike, I was dreading what was underneath, it's not been washed since this happened...




Luckily most of the scratches and scuffs came out with a little rub of T-Cut (am I allowed to use this word in here :D).


It's still there but I can live with what's left!



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After having it on my shelf for years since the move to waterbased paint I've found a good use for Tcut. It's excellent for cleaning the inside of glass oven. Worth at least 20 goodie points with SWMBO.

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Yep, its not a wind up. We had a new oven earlier this year and the door has the usual glass inside and out. I have 2 elderly parents who come each weekend for tea so its always a roast which messes the oven up! The boss was moaning she couldn't get the oven door clean so I tried IPA with limited success. I tried Farecela paint restorer but it was hard work so then tried Tcut as I know its too strong for modern paint so I won't be using it on my car!

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