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Weird lighting problem

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Since I've been playing around with my rear lights, I've now developed a problem: when turning on the sidelights, the O/S sidelight and O/S rear light do not come... however, the N/S ones do. It can't be a problem with the lamp units themselves, as all the other lights work (dipped, main, brake, reverse, etc).


I've tried changing bulbs, but nothing. I thought it could be a fuse, but then surely the N/S lights would short out as well?


Does anyone know what could be causing this?



Thanks in advance :)

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For many years now it has been a requirement that left and right lights are on separate fuses to avoid the situation where a single fuse blowing removes all the rear or all the front lights tail/side lights.


The two fuses you want here are F22 (offside) and F23 (nearside). 


The layout of the fuse panel is a mirror image of that in the drivers handbook.

There is a good fuse location picture on the forum so do a search (my browser security won't let be paste it).


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