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Wishbone front bolt seized


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well a new chapter to the saga....... got everything fixed, quiet afternoon putting it all together.......


erm no.


ok getting the console bolts to line up absolute pig, then realised the crappy subframe was moving.... so stuck a jack under engine......... sucess.... now to fit the arm!


errr no...... polybush kit, bushes are too large to fit in, so ...off comes the console again, and slide it into the back and slot it back into the subframe.....


now the fun part..... getting all 5 bolts back in, i've managed 3 so far with the rest being so damn far out you need a bus ride to line them up..... ok got to 4pm raining on my head...... sack it for one day, i will dedicate tomorrow to finding the best bolt up combination to crush the bushes enough to line it up, but for today..... .f**k it.


hopefully tomorrow will be sucessfull we shall see.

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