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Brake pad fail.

mr rooney

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Jeeze! Giving us Clio drivers a bad name ;) if you don't know what you're doing then don't do it as I've found out :) now training as a motor vehicle technician and I've never seen anything else like that :rofl: :peek:
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Ah, id hope that you dont shirk around those shady parts :p or at least dont take any advice from that member... like... ever :D




On a side note, i once saw someone trying to change to his spare wheel in a motorway services, took him a grand total of 5 minutes to figure out he was putting his spare on the wrong way round :dull:

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Ah come on guys, in the grand scheme of things it's not all that bad, at least he had a try at doing it himself, I bet there's many an internet armchair mechanic out there that wouldn't even know one end of a spanner from another. You need to make mistakes like that to learn.

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Ah come on guys, in the grand scheme of things it's not all that bad, at least he had a try at doing it himself, I bet there's many an internet armchair mechanic out there that wouldn't even know one end of a spanner from another. You need to make mistakes like that to learn.


*gets popcorn out and wikipedia's how to use a spanner* :D

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