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Manorlands Hospice Xmas PRIZE DRAW...Now made


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Have had issues logging in the last few days. Well done with the total Chris. I know it's not quite the £500, but least what has been raised will benefit plenty of people who need it.

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Due to Carl being unwell at present (Hope thats OK mentioning this Carl)... I will wait to do the draw

Possibly the weekend or early next week

Watch this Space


BTW...For those that still wish to donate, My 'Just Giving' Page is still active..........CLICK HERE

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Due to Carl being unwell at present (Hope thats OK mentioning this Carl)... I will wait to do the draw

Possibly the weekend or early next week

Watch this Space

BTW...For those that still wish to donate, My 'Just Giving' Page is still active..........CLICK HERE

Not a problem Chris, I'm excited for those taking part :)

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Let me know when youre ready with the prizes Carl and I'll get the draw done


Should be ready this weekend Chris you can make the draw whenever your ready mate.

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Chris, apologies to complicate things,


This is in no way me being ungrateful, far from it.  As a site sponsor I wanted to support the cause but I would prefer to see my gift go to another member if that is ok.  I should have asked to be excluded in the first place.


Can you either shuffle the list down giving my gift to 2nd place and so on and draw another person for 3rd place?


Or if you would prefer i am happy for you to auction my prize and put the takings into the Manorlands pot?


Like i say I am hugely grateful and actually very surprised as I never win anything.


Hope this is alright.

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Just so there is no confusion:

The winners are:

1st Place ...WookieM  500ml bottle of Optishine wax + 250ml of Optigloss Luxury Detailer in a stainless steel spray bottle

2nd Place...Simbo  500ml bottle of Optishine wax

3rd Place ...Auric Goldfinger  100ml sample bottle of Optishine wax + 100ml sample mist bottle of Optigloss


Once again...Many thanks

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Wahoo! \0/

I'm a winner!!! :D

Ace :thumbup:

Thanks for bumping me up, Sparkly!

Umm... Chris? I'm going to need some expert guidance from you using this. You'll have to show me. I'll wait 'til my car's mucky again :D :D :D

No problem Simeon..How is the Plasma Coat ?? Is it beading well?

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Sounds like a plan Chris. I thank you :)

Annual event sounds good. Buts all down to Chris at the end. He put the effort in.

Well done again.

I look forward to the response from manorlands.

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Ok so thanks to sparkly (mark) wookie has won the mother load :)


1st prize wookie:

Optishine carnauba superblend PTFE liquid wax

Optigloss luxury detail spray

Obsession was shampoo. (Bloody stinks)

1 yellow quality microfibre cloth

1 really good quality super plush white microfibre cloth.

3 foam application pads

Well done! And thanks for your donation.


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2nd place:

1 bottle of optishine carnauba superblend ptfe wax

1 100ml optigloss luxury detail spray

1 foam application sponge


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