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Manorlands Hospice Xmas PRIZE DRAW...Now made


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Yeah my mechanic friend came and took it away when I was on my hols, a few people thought it had been nicked at first so they panicked and thought about ringing the police until it was dropped off again a couple of days later lol

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My donation made, awaiting families too.

If there is anything I can do to help out when I'm having a good day, give me a shout.


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Many many thanks Carl

Detailing session soon?

Yup sounds good to me Chris, just got to get rid of these pains.

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How free are you next week Chris to do Amy's yeti?

I can't manage both cars and I have 2 hospital visits next week, Thursday, Friday.

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Free Monday & Tuesday only Carl

Weather dependant of course

Let me know

Thanks for the support and donation already

I hope others will help out soon too


For others reading this:


To Donate or pay for your Wash & Wax.... Please click HERE

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Ok thanks, will check with Amy and get back to you, she's working today.

Tuesday maybe possible.

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Ok for tomorrow Carl?

Sorry Chris I meant to call you.

I've got a hospital appointment tomorrow.

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Please support this

A Car Wash and Wax for £20 with all the money going to Manorlands Hospice is a real bargain

In Jimmys at the mo reading this, shame it's not going as well as planned Chris.

Still anything raised is still great. Well done!

What is the total on now?

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£205.00 raised of £500.00 target ..7 Donations


Very disappointed Carl

I fully expected that this would be well supported, particularly from those that frequently post in the 'Syling and Car Care' Section


A small donation, even if someone is too far away, would be recognition enough

Of course... a massive thankyou to those of you that have already donated


Three weeks left guys!!

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£205.00 raised of £500.00 target ..7 Donations

Very disappointed Carl

I fully expected that this would be well supported, particularly from those that frequently post in the 'Syling and Car Care' Section

A small donation, even if someone is too far away, would be recognition enough

Of course... a massive thankyou to those of you that have already donated

Three weeks left guys!!

I know what you mean. But never mind :(

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