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Manorlands Hospice Xmas PRIZE DRAW...Now made


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So close but so far Carl!!


As this comes to an end, may I thank those of you that have donated and/or brought your car along for a wash & wax

I like to think that the small amount that has been collected will go some way to help Manorlands maintain the high standards of care and support that they are renowned for

Whilst I am very disappointed and saddened that my target has not been met or supported as well as I had anticipated, paticularly from Forum members that know Carl, I remain pleased that some of you have recognised the reasons behind my 'Month' and given generously for this worthwhile cause

All that is left to do now, is to make the draw

As soon as Carl is well enough, we will do so.

Winners will be notified by PM and in this Thread

Thankyou guys and good luck



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Thank you Chris and all the contributors.

Chris you did an amazing job and be proud of yourself mate. Every little helps as they say and it's no small feet by any means. Well done indeed!

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The Draw:


Many thanks to all of you

Spoken with Carl today..Hes quite happy for me to conduct it

Once its done...sometime this week ...with an independent witness....I will arrange to get the goods to you...or if youre local...to come here..or I can deliver



1st   500ml bottle of Optishine wax + 250ml of Optigloss Luxury Detailer in a stainless steel spray bottle

2nd  500ml bottle of Optishine wax

3rd  100ml sample bottle of Optishine wax + 100ml sample mist bottle of Optigloss



Auric Goldfinger

J306TD *














* Duplicate names indicates two donations



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