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Home made 'Hybrid Wax' Experiment


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Not sure if this is going to work, but I just thought I'd do some recycling of my almost empty and unused wax/sealants

Firstly, when washing Alan's car yesterday, I commented on how slick the paintwork appeared

Alan had mixed one wax with another ..it seemed to work well

So.......looked at my stash and picked up 4 products I rarely use

Could they be recycled in the same way?

Could mixing these type of products work chemically?...I dont know..Im not a Chemist


So I did the following:

(amounts are approximate)

Melted 75ml of Chemical Guys XXXHard Core wax..Used this container floating in Boiling water

+ 75ml of Meguiars Gold Class Wax

+ 75ml of Poorboys Wheel Sealer

+ 25ml of Concours Carnauba Champagne wax (All there was left)


All this was mixed/melted together and produced a pink 'Hybrid Wax' product


I applied this to the bonnet, when hardened, and was amazed at how easy it was to apply and buff off

How it performs, is, as yet, unknown

But I now have an almost full pot of Hybrid Wax

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Yep...will be monitoring

Its beading well this morning

Main immediate benefit appears to be the slick feel

But unsure whether its one product thats giving that, or all 4

Sounds like a good bit of fun if nothing else Chris.

I have to admit this is something I've thought of doing myself.

Looking forward to seeing pics of motor and wax

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Yer good idea Chris. Alot of people on DW do the same just to see what happens. Can get good results from it

Sent from my Galaxy S5

Well..as said, just playing, shall see what the results are when it stops raining and I can do the whole car with it!!

Its just on the bonnet at the moment

I might tweak it a little more yet with something else


Just the bonnet for now so I can see a comparison with my other LSP (Clarity Sealant..as in Sparkly's Group Buy #3)

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Interesting, +1 to the list of interested onlookers.  Almost something you dont want to work tooo well, else you'll be forever trying to get the exact same balance of product.


Off topic, but how is the clarity holding up?

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  • 2 weeks later...

What can I say!!.....

......Beading epic and after a big trip to Edinburgh and back via the Lake District this week, its not looking bad at all

Sounds nice Chris, bet the VRS enjoyed the run out!
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Yes its a while since I drove it so far...Averaged 45.7 mpg ...not bad with 4 adults and luggage

Brought back a very very nice Malt Whisky (Dalwhinnie Distillers Edition..Highland) too...as did Alan (A Chivas Signatory Cask Stength...(Longmore..Speysider))

Car is in Awesome GTi on Thursday for new springs and shocks...Wish I'd had it done last week, as the ride was a little bouncy driving through the Lake District on the way back.

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Mk 3 now made and cooling

Bilt Hamer Autobalm Paste Sealant (10ml) + container

Collinite 915 (25ml)
Meg's gold class  (30ml)
Poor boys wheel sealant (25ml)
Hybrid 86 (15ml)

A dash of a Wolfs body wrap sealant..

Shall report back when applied to wife's car at the weekend... Mine is wearing Mk 2 ...as is Brimmas

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  • 2 weeks later...

If it was on DW you would have a whole chapter just on the packaging.

Don't get me wrong DW has its place and i frequent it quite a lot, but 95% on there go on and on... And everyone is perfect.

Our small community on brisky is far more informative imo.

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I do know that many of us are addicted to buying and trying new products

It's a bit of an obsession which I'm sure we will grow out of ...eventually....cough

I would love to stick to just one product.

There are so many out there ..it's like trying to find the Holy Grail!,...but not with this homemade one..lol

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