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Artdeshine artdekotsos


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Haven't taken a picture as its a bit dark out at the mo, but the beading and sheeting from the kotsos is one of the best I've seen.

Driving over to hull tomorrow so will keep you informed on the beading and how it looks after the drive.

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Haven't taken a picture as its a bit dark out at the mo, but the beading and sheeting from the kotsos is one of the best I've seen.

Driving over to hull tomorrow so will keep you informed on the beading and how it looks after the drive.

Agree it's very good & the price of the wax is very reasonable.

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After driving to hull and back today the car beaded water beautifuly , but it did have tons of dust and dirt on it by the time I got back, but all in all can not complain the protection is obviously there and doing a great job.

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Yeah I spoke to Matt and he mentioned that, it is such a good wax, I'm looking forward to using it again.

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  • 2 months later...

Just been and given the car a coat of artdekotsos and it's looking great, although not feeling great after doing it, so next time I'll take Chris up on his offer to help.

Anyway here's a quick pic I took


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Looks great Carl!!

Thanks Chris it needed it.

I will definitely call upon your generosity next time if that's ok?

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Nice one.....Bloody cold here today though..God knows what it was like at Mount Queensbury!!

It was cold, but I worked up a major sweat. I timed it just right between snowfalls. Next time I see you Chris I'll bring you the pot of artdekotsos and we can cut it in half so you can have half the tub, I'll never use it all plus I think you and your customers will really like it.

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Thats very kind..Many thanks

Not a problem Chris, it's a big tub and I'm sure even half of it will last you a long time.

It's such a good product too, a lot like abyss in my opinion.

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By the way I used mint rims on my alloys a month or so ago and all I did was power wash them and the dirt flew off, really quite impressed with it.

I think the pic speaks for itself too. Although I still want to try the ceramic sealant Chris raves about.

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Great wax! Mine is currently wearing sicko, kostos and NGPS and it's keeping much cleaner at the moment.

Yeti looks brilliant. Another fan of mint rims here too.

Thanks mate, yeah it goes on like butter doesn't it? I do top up with NGPS after using it. Both are quality products.

Mint rims has been a bit of a shock product for me, I didn't expect as much durability from it as it has, I would recommend.

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It looks a little different this morning, Amy's yeti is part covered but mine has a full cover of snow.


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Going off topic Dinski, good memories of winters back in West Yorkshire. If we had snowfalls like that here on the Isle of Man it would be declared a disaster area. They panic when we get half an inch overhere!!!!! Mind you are on the top of the hill living in Queensbury.


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Going off topic Dinski, good memories of winters back in West Yorkshire. If we had snowfalls like that here on the Isle of Man it would be declared a disaster area. They panic when we get half an inch overhere!!!!! Mind you are on the top of the hill living in Queensbury.


I've gone from that pic to down south and there's not a drop of snow insight.

I always forget your originally from West Yorkshire. The Isle of Man is lovely though so I don't blame you for moving.

As for the car now it's covered in salt again and looks nothing like the picture now.

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We have around 5inch or so in queenbury at the moment. It just hasn't stopped today.

Loving the yeti's performance in the snow, mine is on summer rubber and the wife's is on winter treads and while hers has much better traction and stopping tread I have to say the summer rubber I'm on is actually performing really well.

The Haldex system on the yeti is out of this world though, I've shot past some cars double the price of mine that should not be doing so bad considering them being 4x4s

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