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Autobrite Detail Xmas Sale


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That said I'm no expert!

Let me know how you get on with yours.

neither am i pal, blind leading the blind  B) . But i will report my findings to the collective in due course. I think it has a few fans in here but I may be mistaken.

glad the brushes have been given the thumbs up as ive got a set of those on order too, seems like a good price for natural bristles.

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Laff, watsona

From what I've seen your both very capable detailers, and everyone starts out somewhere and you guys are building up the knowledge on here fast, I'm struggling to keep up.

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Laff, watsona

From what I've seen your both very capable detailers, and everyone starts out somewhere and you guys are building up the knowledge on here fast, I'm struggling to keep up.

kind words Carl, thank you.  I'm certainly capable of spending money on it I know that much.


I have made a fair effort to do a lot of reading and comprehend as much as possible, and as a result have a decent grasp of the fundamentals, but plenty more experience needed.  There will be guys on here that have forgotten more about detailing than I will ever know, and I thank them for sharing here.  But like you said everyone starts somewhere.


Might just find a victim or two for a correction detail next year as time allows so I can put the theory into good use.

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kind words Carl, thank you.  I'm certainly capable of spending money on it I know that much.


I have made a fair effort to do a lot of reading and comprehend as much as possible, and as a result have a decent grasp of the fundamentals, but plenty more experience needed.  There will be guys on here that have forgotten more about detailing than I will ever know, and I thank them for sharing here.  But like you said everyone starts somewhere.


Might just find a victim or two for a correction detail next year as time allows so I can put the theory into good use.

+1.  I couldn't have said it better myself.  I find myself in much the same position (Empty wallet, loads of gear, some idea, more experience required).

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