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Clarity Sealant From Gb


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Hey all, just thought I would let you know how I got on with the Clartiy Sealant from the GB.


First of all please do not all give me a big slating for not applying in accordance with the instructions. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Also it gave me a good reason to strip (not that it needed any but I wanted to start from a known good point), repolish with DA + megs 205 (microfibre pad then fine pad), IPA, Seal with EX-P and rewax with collinite 845. Top off with BSD.


Here's how it went.


1. Cars current condition. EX-P, layer of collinite 845, topped off with BSD.

2. Clarity sealant arrives in post.  Smile arrives on face.

3. Enthusiasm gets the better of me and sees me disapearing outside with cloth and sealant in hand (Car had been washed and dried earlier that day but had not been topped up with BSD).

4. Apply quite a few squirts of Clarity Sealant all over bonnet. Wipe in using a criss cross pattern to ensure full coverage.

5. I can see the shine and the clarity in the paint work. It has a really nice finish including a depth of colour not previously seen.  I stand back and admire my work and feel pleased with myself, maybe this could be my new LSP.  No (It's a sealant and goes on first - I say again don't slate me for this).

6. Morning comes, I go outside. The water beads on the car are amazing, really small, tight and standing very tall. Once again I am feeling very pleased with myself.

7. Go away with work for a week, leaving car with the wife.

8. Come back from work.

9. Ask wife what has she done to the car. "Nothing" she says, "I've only driven it once".  Hmmm, strange puzzled look arrives on face.  Looking at the bonnet the protection looks like it has failed. It looks like it is completely unwaxed. 

10. I tried my normal wash just to make sure it was not dirty (Pressure washer rinse, snow foam, rinse, wash 2BM AD bannana shampoo, rinse). No beading what so ever, water sheeting across the bonnet.

11. It looks like there has been a reaction between the products.


To see if it is the sealant that is not up to scratch or it was that it was applied to an unprepared surface I have reapplied it today on one half on my sons' car bonnet which I wiped down with IPA first.


Thoughts ?  (Apart from apply it as per manufacturers instructions)

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I really hate to say you have answered your own question. Sealants are much fussier than wax and do really require bare paint. Application over wax is liable to failure.

Although clarity is very hydrophobic it sits somewhere between beading and sheeting on performance/look when wet. Is the panel sheeting to dry? Because this is typical behaviour when subject to a downpour or open hose.

But there are a big range of possible complications with what you have done, including the sealant damaging the existing wax layer but not making it to bonding with the paint either and the result is more like stripping the LSP.

I expect you will have a much different result on naked paint, this stuff bonds really well, I can testify to this from use not only on my cars but also on every surface I spilt on while decanting :)

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As Mark states, it looks like the existing products have caused it to fail

Sealants require bare paint to adhere to...wax isnt like this

Looks like a strip down and reapplication is the answer

I too, can confirm that it bonds really well and sheets water off equally as well, if applied to a properly prepped surface

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As Mark states, it looks like the existing products have caused it to fail

Sealants require bare paint to adhere to...wax isnt like this

Looks like a strip down and reapplication is the answer

I too, can confirm that it bonds really well and sheets water off equally as well, if applied to a properly prepped surface

Chris - The strip and reapplication is already completed. I will monitor the results on the boys corsa and see how it performs before I try it again.

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As said it has not bonded due to the layers below it. Although I have no experience of the clarity stuff, most sealants like fresh paint to bond to.

Yep got it.  I just couldn't wait, my enthusiasm got the better of me. I hope this serves as a warning to others as I know a few orders from the GB has been received today.

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Chris - The strip and reapplication is already completed. I will monitor the results on the boys corsa and see how it performs before I try it again.

I know it hasn't been long but we've had a fair amount of rain. Wondering how the clairy is getting on?


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I know it hasn't been long but we've had a fair amount of rain. Wondering how the clairy is getting on?


Funny you should mention it.  The boy said to me last night " dad come and look at the bonnet of my car". It was raining. I honestly couldn't tell the difference between the sealed side and the non sealed side.  When the rain had stopped, both side still looked the same. So I don't think clarity sealant is for me.

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Be aware that some sealants, and this may be one of them, dont bead water , but sheet it instead

This may give the appearance of no protection present, when it is

However, the only way to tell is to remove some sealant and then compare

Hope this makes sense

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Funny you should mention it. The boy said to me last night " dad come and look at the bonnet of my car". It was raining. I honestly couldn't tell the difference between the sealed side and the non sealed side. When the rain had stopped, both side still looked the same. So I don't think clarity sealant is for me.

Oh what a shame it sounds so promising too, let's hope Chris is correct in what he's said.

I have to admit I'm not looking forward to how fussy this product is, I think I will test my clarity on the boot of the yeti it is one of those places with it being just a big flat slab that it atractts all the rain water and dirt from the roads to really put it to the test.

I have faith in the product to work, I just need to do some good prep before applying it.

I will report back when I've used it. It could be some time though.

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Be aware that some sealants, and this may be one of them, dont bead water , but sheet it instead

This may give the appearance of no protection present, when it is

However, the only way to tell is to remove some sealant and then compare

Hope this makes sense

Makes sense.  However in this instance for me the GB has served its purpose i.e. try a small sample before buying a full sized product (some times at considerable expense). I think I will just give this product a miss, too fussy for me and does not give me the fresh waxed look I have become fond of.  I hope other users get better results than I have.

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Makes sense. However in this instance for me the GB has served its purpose i.e. try a small sample before buying a full sized product (some times at considerable expense). I think I will just give this product a miss, too fussy for me and does not give me the fresh waxed look I have become fond of. I hope other users get better results than I have.

That's why the abyss is such a good product, best of both worlds. Same goes for artdekotsos. I'm taken with both and there relevant qds being rapid revenge and NGPS

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That is its purpose I believe

Auric Goldfinger mentioned the same effect to me after I applied it to his wifes Citigo

Its possibly a quirk of the product

Personally, I like to see it's working, as I suspect, most people do

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For those of you who are on the forum quite a bit you will know my car got attacked by a dose of fresh tar in the week!


Tardis, wash and Sonax BSD the day it happened so I thought I would take the opportunity to try out the Clarity sealant from the group buy and see if my experiences are the same as others (Radders (above) etc)....


Pre washed and washed the whole car.


On the passengers side which suffered the tar issue i also used Tardis, IronX and the clay mitt.


After another wash and rinse I dried it before applying a 50/50 mix of water and IPA and then finally applied the Clarity with a MF pad and buffed it off. I did this panel by panel.


Results below;






The rest of the car has Collinite topped with Sonar BSD which has been on for about 6 weeks now so, whilst I intend to compare the two, there is somewhat a disparity.


Hopefully you can see in the pictures the shine which the Clarity produced. I was quite impressed in terms of application, found it really easy and it buffed off to reveal a lovely bold shine which isn't always so easy on a white car.


Will update in a few weeks as to how durable it is appearing to be.

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Funny you should mention it.  The boy said to me last night " dad come and look at the bonnet of my car". It was raining. I honestly couldn't tell the difference between the sealed side and the non sealed side.  When the rain had stopped, both side still looked the same. So I don't think clarity sealant is for me.


Radders, can you get me some pictures of this because it is completely baffling.


I could understand if your preference is for a hydrophobic beading waxed look when wet, compared to a hydrophillic sheeting type sealant but to not see any discernible difference between a sealed and unsealed panel is really unusual.


Can you also pm me your "decon and stripping" process for removing old LSP.



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Thought I would give an update.......


Very happy with the clarity, seems to bead quite well;






Washed the car today and the Clarity side appeared easier to clean, with the road tar coming off easier than the Collinite side.


Quite impressed!

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Yeah agreed well done Andy, it does look really good.

I'm looking forward to trying this product still. Fingers crossed I'll be up and about in a few days and get back into it.

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