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Hilux Pickup Challenge


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I may have bitten off more than I can chew!!

While buying a Xmas Tree at the local farm, I get talking with the Farmer..as he commented on how shiny my car is

Well one thing led to another and he asked me if I would '"Clean up" his car...I thought he meant a Tractor...then he pointed to his silver Hilux Pickup

Well...its a real shocker inside ...which is what he wants me to concentrate on

After some discussion, we agreed a deal...after Xmas to clean inside and out , the Pickup

I can use his hot water pressure washer and inside facilities too....I might just explore the possibility of getting some more time in there too..you never know

So...Watch this space...This is definately the biggest challenge in car cleaning Ive ever had..or even seen!!


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It won't be easy Chris. I used to have a Toyota land cruiser Amazon as a company car and that used to take a full weekend to detail.

And it was murder to do the roof with it being so high.

At least Chris chances are it's a pick up so half the back end is missing anyway... :)

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Hah, crazy man.

I have pressed the virtual like button on this one.

You have to get at least one interior and one exterior before pic :p

Inside facilities. I'd pay a fee to rent for cleaning / polishing duties!

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Yes...Im mad!! Pity there's not a 'Fool' button :giggle:

Dont worry..I wont miss a photo opportunity with this one.....

As you know Im not a fan of working photos...Too OTT and time consuming for me....BUT essential on this occasion !!

Thinking outside the box re: the inside facilities .....but it is a working Farm/Farm Shop.

We shall see

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