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Wax Appeal Christmas GB in Association with ArtDeShine


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Hope it goes well mark, a big thumbs up for artdekotsos from me, quality wax/sealant.

It's worth getting in on it for that alone guys...

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Can't believe you've not had a bigger take up on this yet, awesome stuff  :thumbup:

The Sicko sealant is so easy to apply and remove  :yes:


I'd join myself if I'd not just used this, or the fact that Matt is only 20 minutes away and it's easy for me to just nip over when I need something

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Sorry I cant buy at the moment

Don't you have obsidian & NGPS wax anyway Chris?

Artdesicko was temping but I still haven't used clarity yet.

Besides I think my detailing days are done for a while I've been ill for weeks, it's getting old quick lol

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Yeah true Chris, well if you want to give obsidian a go I have the large pot mark is selling, and I have to say it probably my second favourite wax/sealant.

It applies like butter and the finish is glorious.

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