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Given in to pre Christmas sales.


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Well like the title says I've given in to the sales, got this little lot from i4 detailing due to their 15% off code.

Tbf I need a body prep/cleaner and I've been wanting to try this for a while. And before anyone says why 2 bottles? Well it's because it was the same price for 2x 500ml as a 1 litre bottle and I like to re use the bottles so it made sense in my head.

Been wanting to try beading marvellous since its release so I can now sample it :)

As for the iron 5litre again I've run out so I'm not just buying for the sake like usual. And again trying another I've not tried yet, heard good things and seen some good comparison pics.

Gloves again run out.

And cure well it will be the first time I've used it, again heard good things, but I do have similar products so this was not needed really but it will be fun trying.

Seems weird I've actually got a reason to buy this haul (run out) but yet I'm justifying it to myself lol


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Thanks I'm looking forward to giving them a go, I know mark and Chris have both used Wetcoat and bathe+

Some of the reviews and comparison vids I watched really show off Gyeon in a good light.

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