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Wash with warm water? (Wax safe) Its cold out there you know....


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After washing the car yesterday my hand nearly fell off with the cold water.


Any thoughts on using warm, not hot, water for the bucket?


Gets power washed first with cold water.



Car has Collinite 476S and Sonax BSD on it.


Soon to have a coating of Optishine Carnauba Superblend PTFE liquid wax too, may strip previous waxes. Should that be PFTE?



So any experience / thoughts?

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Yeah warm should be fine. I hate washing the car this Time of year, I don't mind applying lsp but getting your hands in that water is Not nice.

Enjoy. Hope you don't freeze :)

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I've never used cold water in either bucket TBH, even in summer so I'm a wus! Normally I have the rinse bucket slightly cooler than the shampoo one so I can tell the difference once the rinse bucket has some suds in as both my buckets are B&Q cheapo yellow ones, rather than the more expensive colour coded pukka ones you can get. I could put a big 'S' and 'R' on the buckets I guess but I can't be bothered. Something else I picked up from DW was that after rinsing if you go over your car with an open ended hose it will get rid of most of the water that's left on the car after the rinse stage so you don't have so much to dry off, which helps at this time of year.....Brrrrrrr...

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I never wash the car without gloves on...I have dodgy skin which hates detergents, water....most things, in fact. I use a pair of cotton gloves and a pair of black rubber over them. Result....dry, warmer and comfortable hands!

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Washed my car yesterday morning which turned out to be a bad idea! Frozen snow foam on the roof!


Managed to get a reasonable finish with some hot water and the wool mitt!


Probably should have waited but there was almost two weeks worth of muck on the old girl!

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