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Victoria Wax -Concours


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Hey guys.

Thought id share this with you as it was a recommendation off here.

I was after a wet look shine. Durability isnt a problem because i only use the bike for nice days and abit of a toy.

Its very easy to apply. I didnt use my fingers, just applied lightly with a foam applicator and buffed off before it dried.

Only had chance to do the tank and tail piece so far, but I'll do the rest later. Work to do :( haha.



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Cheers everyone :).

Very nice I love a nice clean vibrant Red especially when it has Black as a contrast.

Need a pic of the whole bike.

I'll just finish off the fairings and I'll put a pic up. It wont be too good cos i cant get it out the garage atm. Due to wind, rain etc. but youll get an idea im sure (:

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Cheers everyone :).

I'll just finish off the fairings and I'll put a pic up. It wont be too good cos i cant get it out the garage atm. Due to wind, rain etc. but youll get an idea im sure (:

fair weather rider!

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Sorted. Few more pics here.

Its difficult to get decent ones because theres not enough room to take them with the door closed, and opening it results in a confused iphone camera.

I'll get some decent ones when weather permits :).

Really would recommend this wax. Its soo easy and gives superb results.





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