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Polish & Wax recomendation


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Looking to see what you guys recommend for polishing & waxing, in the past I used auto glym but thought it left a white powder on ma car .

Been looking at poor boys, maguires angel wax etc but what da u guys find works .

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Depends on what your paintwork is like, how much effort you want to put into the preparation and what you're trying to achieve. I've started using Autobrite Hellshine Abyss, its a sealant and the paintwork needs to be cleaned properly before application but the depth of shine it gives is the best I've found so far and its supposed to last up to 6 months if applied correctly. The spray version is easier to apply than the tub but both are not cheap.

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Dnt mind a bit of graft to get it looking right, plus if it last for a while the dnt mind the extra pennies for it ..... Just need to keep me statement away from the misses lol :-)

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I machine polish using a lot of the Megs range.  I dabble in lots of other brands too though, as jobs see fit.  I have a fair whack of autoglym gubbins and occasionally use SRP as a final finish before using a sealant or wax.

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What are you trying to achieve ie remove defects/swirls? If so do you have a machine? If not, then it will be hard work but something like Gtechniq P1 will be one of the best to use.

Sealants/waxes, too many to choose. Dependant on budget, try and get some sample sizes so you can try & see what you like. My favourite at the moment is the waxes from Black Magic Detail. It's all personal preference.

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I have used lots of different products but now only use autofinesse for me you can't go wrong with price and quality but. But all like different products you just need to find your favourite

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Take a look at the Hellshine range from Autobrite. I'm a big fan and for the money there hard to beat.

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