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C Pillar


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Could someone on the Forum please give me advice regarding the Black C Pillar on the Yeti, is it made of glass or a type of rigid plastic.Reason I am asking for is a tree branch took a  dislike to it the other day ( very windy) and could not avoid it, so I now have a slight graze on it and I am seeking advice on the Style section of Briskoda as to how to remove this graze ( not a scratch).

Regards Tony

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I used Plast-RX when I polished up the hazy headlamp lenses on my old Passat.

Started off with fine wet'n'dry to get the scratches/pits out, which left them opaque.

Then polished up with the Plast-RX using a rotary foam pad in my cordless drill.

Perfect when finished, like new they were.


Maybe of some use on the pillars ?



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I'm going to be doing something to all my pillars as they have minor scratching probably from being washed as there's nothing serious about them.

If I come up with anything I'll let you know.

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Meguiars are at Daventry I believe so it might be worth giving there tech people a ring, they will no doubt tell you one of their products but the advice might give you some ideas of alternatives as well?

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Thanks for tips, used ChrisR advice from the style section and as it is rigid plastic, applied AG super resin polish and buffed off with a microfiber cloth. Result the blurred effect as gone and now restored the C Pillar back to it,s original sheen. 

Happy Tony

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Looks like I'll be putting some AG SRP on order for when I get my Yeti back and removing the swirl marks.


Thanks to Chris for the advice and maxskoda for raising the issue.

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After just 2 visits to the car-wash i've got plenty of surface swirls on all black pillars, visible only on bright light.

I think just the material they are made of is too soft, because I have no problems with the paint, only with this black plastic.

Today I'll have them VentureShielded together with the hood and full front of the car, I hope they will look nice with the film on.

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If the damage is a little worse than that Autoglym Car Glass Polish is very slightly abrasive and will bring plastic back to a good condition.

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Is Dodo Juice lime prime likely to do anything bad?

I know this isn't really what it's for, but it's all I've got at present. It does have mild abrasive properties and did a good job on reducing swirls on my paintwork...

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I reversed into something a while back and punched a hole clear through this very bit of plastic trim.  Was a £50 part from Škoda if memory serves and easily replaced - if you can't buff the scratch out.

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Is Dodo Juice lime prime likely to do anything bad?

I know this isn't really what it's for, but it's all I've got at present. It does have mild abrasive properties and did a good job on reducing swirls on my paintwork...

Give it a try it won't do any harm Karl.

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Funny you should mention that.

Dodo juice itself is a carnauba wax product. (The lime prime is the pre wax cleanser I think)

When I fiddled with old cars I saw a nice article explaining how, instead of polishing out the micro scratches you can fill them with a very hard wax like carnauba. Need periodically re doing but your not making the material or surface marginally thinner each time. It was used to rennovate the myriad of different coloured gear knobs of a certain ancient 4x4 built in Solihull.

Just a thought. Mine need doing....used a car wash for the first time last week...noooooooo!.... I will try an find a nice high carnauba wax...maybe in a block or something. ..but after I've fixed the 12v supply in the boot.



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