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Bargain Nilfisk C110.4


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Yes..It moves up and down the lance too...Or can be removed completely (not that you would want to)



Thanks, I've not seen that clip-when I looked on their site the link there didn't work. It looks easier to use than my current 90 degree one, so we know where this is going to end......

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Thinking of having my wages paid direct to Autobrite and Clean your car, and just cut out the middle man. :D

Did you get tempted during the AB Christmas sale? I went a little bit silly....

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Did you get tempted during the AB Christmas sale? I went a little bit silly....

Tempted?, I'm in therapy for the rest of the month for having no willpower to say no - silly wasn't any of the words that SWMBO used. :notme:  :giggle: 

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Tempted?, I'm in therapy for the rest of the month for having no willpower to say no - silly wasn't any of the words that SWMBO used. :notme:  :giggle:

working from home and having my own credit card and bank account prevents 'unwanted attention'.....but this section of the forum and online shopping is not good for any weak willed saddo such as myself

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Had a phone call today from Maplins (their distribution centre is in Nottingham), saying order is delayed as they have ran out of stock. Will be sent when new stock arrives.

Just out of interest as not right up on the use of pressure washers and Snow foam ( always used a snow cannon on the end of a Hose pipe), will the detergent bottle supplied with the Nilfisk be fit for purpose or will I have to order a dedicated S/F attatchment bottle ?


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