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JBS Auto Designs Chesterfield - Derbyshire


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Some one recently said to me that JBS = Just Bad Service :rofl:

That saying I can confirm personally more than once :thumbdown:

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I used them once...................and that was enough. Never finished the job and (which is my own fault) never did anything about it.

But saying that there are other tuners here that have just as bad name depending on who you talk to!

I for one would not suggest anyone going to them................I could of done the job just aswel myself :dull:

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest westallc



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  • 2 weeks later...

That was quite a read. Feel sorry for the poor guy. I passed that TT a couple of times ourside their workshop as I do some work for another company on the same industrial estate. I happened to mention it to a chap on the TT forum and he said that it had been there for 12+ months.

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That was quite a read. Feel sorry for the poor guy. I passed that TT a couple of times ourside their workshop as I do some work for another company on the same industrial estate. I happened to mention it to a chap on the TT forum and he said that it had been there for 12+ months.

Did it get a cake with a candle? :giggle:

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over a year to finish a car and still not finished! but it works both ways he was advised the car wasnt ready and things not finished, he still took the car, jbs need to fix the problem with the ****ty build and he needs to listen to them when they advise him on certain things not complete:thumbup:

Edited by boomsly
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  • 10 months later...

They're fairly local so I recently emailed them saying I was thinking of selling my 2000 Fabia 1.4 8v that needed new brakes all round, front NS suspension knocking looking at, coolant flush, new rear windscreen wiper motor etc a look at as I was deciding whether it was worth putting to rights or just selling on ebay with a 'to do' list. Essentially just wanted a quote to get the work done.

They suggested £200 just to inspect it and tell me whether it was roadworthy without actually fixing anything. :giggle:Riiight...

Edited by Uriel
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  • 4 weeks later...

On my car, JBS physically broke a pressure sensor tube and utterly annihilated the thread on an EGT sensor and tried to get away with it. I have a pic of it somewhere, you wouldn't believe it.

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Does anyone know if this was actually resovled - As in did it end up with legal action or was it sorted out between the 2 parties?

But i'm with you Nick. It is unbelievable reading, and as we know its not just the one isolated case :(

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i'd be doing some massive research on a company if i was waving that much cash at a car, they've just won one of our promotions and won a new polo

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