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How do you delete contacts on Amundsen?

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I've got a Feb-2014 built 1.4 TSI Elegance with the standard Amundsen headunit.


Something strange is happening with my contacts, and it seems that if I make any changes to a contact on my phone (e.g. adding a picture) then I end up with a duplicate contact in the vehicle - one with the picture and one without.


I cannot find anyway of removing a contact from the Amundsen, and as the contact without the picture does not exist on the phone, it cannot be deleted there.


The only way it seems possible to sort it is very convoluted:


  1. Unpair the original phone with dodgy contact data
  2. Pair a second phone
  3. Go to settings, user profile and delete the user profile for the first phone.  Just unpairing/repairing the phone does not work as this user profile is retained, and it seems a user profile can only be deleted if a different one is active.
  4. Disconnect (an unpair if desired) second phone
  5. Re-Pair first phone and allow it to re-import the contacts.  Sometimes at this stage it moans that it hasn't successfully imported the contacts, but on re-booting the unit (pressing in power button for ~10s) - they are all there.

Anyone else seeing this or has any suggestions?


Phone is a Sony Xperia Z2 which I've recently upgraded to Lollipop 5.02.  I haven't had the car that long and don't often use the phone beyond my shortcut contacts, so I'm not sure if this behaviour was also there under KitKat 4.4.4


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