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Fab vRS rear strut brace?


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I di not know that this was your car.

The picture was sent to me to see if I could raise some intrest on this.

I am going to see if I can get a discount for forum members and to do a bit of work with them.

I am not out to make a fortune on the Briskoda members and have already spent quite a bit of my time and telephone bill tying to sort the situation with this.

Mike did say that he would do us a great deal to pass on to the forum members and he does know what it is about.

He did resend the picture at my request as I wanted this to go on to the forum.

He knew that it was for Briskoda and Mike is fully aware of what I am doing.

I have spent over an hour on here trying to upload this picture.

I do pay quite a bit of money to advertise on this forum and quite a few others , yes I am here to make money.

But it is not all about that.

I do offer advise I do help and I am sorry but I do get paid for it.

This comes out the profit made by us.

But part of my profit goes to forum members that stand by us and we will give them discounts.

I have done a few GB`s and would possibly look at more.

But I am sorry it is not for the good of my health.

Rant over


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I am sorry but I have put quite a bit of work in to this for someone to tell you not to buy from me.

Yes I will be getting them from this guy.

He appoached me to ask me if anyone would be intrested.

So there you are.

I will see what price I can do for you.

It will be a good price you all know that ;)


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Calm down dear, it's only a commercial! That's some rant, all I did was give out the info that Mike gave to me with regards to these braces if people wanted them, which I helped Mike to test and develop. If you wish to breach copyright again please ask me for permission to use ANY of my images before you do.

I am happy to help and provide images of these braces if anyone wants them, they are free to view on my site, but not to copy for your own use.

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I am so sorry I did not know that this was your car.

I asked Mike for a pic to put on to this forum.

That is what he gave me.

Mike knew that it was for Briskoda.

I did ask him as I knew there was some intrest on this.

If you want it deleted then I can get this done and I will ask Mike to send me anotherone.

Mike did approach me to raise interest.This I have done.


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Mike will have to ask me if he can use my images to sell his braces, at this point he has not asked permission to use any of my images.

I am happy to help as long as it is done properly. These braces are very good and well worth having.

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Sarah we do all appreciate the work your putting in to this..

Just some people seem a bit 'copyrigh' happy with simple pictures of their cars.

The picture does not say on it copyright of Robdon, and i cant see why people would want to copy right such pictures.

keep up the good work for us briskoda membes, you get the thumbs up from me :)

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Rob, calm down... I think you have made your point.

Mike contacted JBS a while ago to ask if they wanted to buy some rear strut braces from him. James showed his message to me to ask my opinion. I thought they looked great, but totally forgot to mention them on here.

When someone asked on the forum last week whether there was a rear strut brace for the fabia, I advised them to call JBS.

JBS then contacted Mike, and by the looks of things asked for a photo to put up here.

Mike supplied the above picture to Sarah @ JBS to put on here to show what the braces look like.

If you want to have a rant, why not have a word with Mike instead of Sarah? She was given the photo and didn't take it from your website. I'm pretty sure she's not even been on your website!

Sarah does a great job, and spends a lot of time helping the communities of many forums out, so please give her some slack.


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So how does it attach to your fabia then. If you have it off any chance you could take a pic of the brackets?

Basically trying to see if its the same for the ibiza of could be chopped to fit.

I'll take some picture tomorrow while I clean the car.

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Jimb0 - my whole website is on a business package, copyright notices are at the foot of every page, like it or not it is legally binding - nothing to do with being 'Copyright happy with simple pictures', a lot more to it than that, especially when companies want to use your images to sell products and make money.

I've already stated I am happy to help, but with the kind of attitude shown on here there is little chance. Mike has already apologised to me for copying the image, but he still has not requested permission to use any images.

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My god, it's a picture FFS. Haven't you got anything better to be doing? Putting a simple "copyright" tag on each page doesn't mean no one can use it unless you dealt with the appropriate authorities.

Taken from "weblawresources.com" (hope they haven't coprighted this text :D)


"How To File A Copyright - It is crucial that a copyright application registration be correctly completed before filing. Failing to correctly complete the form can be adverse effects in the validity if the copyright and the ability to stop other parties from using your copyrighted work.

At first blush, the application forms provided by the copyright office appears to be very simple to complete. The forms themselves are not extraordinarily complicated or lengthy. It is the decisions that must be made regarding what information is placed in those forms that can be complex.

Steps In Preparing Registration Forms -

First Step - Collect Information - In order to properly complete a copyright application, it is important to first collect all relevant information regarding the work to be copyrighted including all of the contents and components of the work and the methods and processes involved in creating the work. Information should also be collected concerning all parties, employees and outside parties, who played a role in the development process. From this information, crucial decision must be made regarding the completion of the application and what may be required in order to properly complete the application.

It pays to be thorough in collecting this information. A checklist should be planned and completed as this information is collected and as decisions are made regarding the contents of the application.

Step 2 - Select The Proper Copyright Form - There are several different registration forms that may be used depending on the nature of the work. Selecting the appropriate form is crucial to the validity of the copyright and can be one of the more complicated aspects of the process. This decision can be fairly complicated, especially where a work contains several different aspects. This is often the case in web and multimedia applications which often include numerous components which may include graphics, video, textual content, programs, databases, and other materials.

Step 3 - Determine Who Has The Right To Register A Copyright - You should determine from the facts that you develop about the development process and the individuals involved, who is the appropriate party to file the application or to otherwise be included on the copyright registration form. Generally, the author has the copyright and the right to file the registration. However, the author can assign this right to an owner. Determining who is the author in a given situation where a number of parties may be involved in the development process can be complicated. Also, determining whether the all rights have been appropriately assigned to the owner, including the right to register the copyright in the owner's name.

Step 4 - Properly Completing Registration Forms - As discussed above, it is crucial to properly complete the registration form to assure the validity of your copyright.

Step 5 - Determining The Appropriate Archive Materials - Most works require you to include an archive copy of the work being copyrighted along with your application. It is important to determine the precise archive requirement for the type of work that you are registering. You need to comply with the archive copy requirements to the tee.

Step 6 - Copyright Fees and Transmittal of Applications - Be sure to include the appropriate filing fee payment and form of payment with your application. Be sure that the sent to the appropriate address and include appropriate postage and copies. Make copies of your application for your records."


Now can we get back on topic,

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Done all that, as said it's a commercial package - jeeze you people are unreal, think you know it all. :rolleyes:

OK I'm done with this thread (and this place, God!), moderators remove any images of mine from this thread, Mike will have to get his own images, you lot have really helped him out. :thumbdwn:

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I have removed 'your' picture from my website as I think you are being a bit anal about this whole thing. Sarah is trying to sort out something for the members of this site using a picture supplied to her by the manufacturer. Your gripe is between him and yourself so please stop coming on here and bleating about how hard done by you are.

Ok so you may have put in some effort with respect to R&D but it seems to me that you just want to make a name for yourself and you want in on the act. I could understand you having a point if it were doing you any harm but it isn't really is it - Grow up mate.

Sarah, if you find yourself with another picture I'll happily host it for you.

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well said.

@ Walkie - It's incredible mate. It's broke 3 times so far though, the door wouldnt open. The engine wouldn't start and the wiper blade fell off at 90 mph :rofl:

But that apart it seems to do 0-infinity in 4 seconds and the best bit is I drove it about a week back (admittadly only for about 2 miles with my Dad as a passenger) but boy is it a completely different experience to anything i'll drive in my lifetime!

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well said.

@ Walkie - It's incredible mate. It's broke 3 times so far though' date=' the door wouldnt open. The engine wouldn't start and the wiper blade fell off at 90 mph :rofl:

But that apart it seems to do 0-infinity in 4 seconds and the best bit is I drove it about a week back (admittadly only for about 2 miles with my Dad as a passenger) but boy is it a completely different experience to anything i'll drive in my lifetime![/quote']

Not wanting to go too far off topic, but I am bloody jelous, they are awesome motors, I love them :thumbup:

Robdon, I am not aware of your age, but grow up ;)

Sarah keep us informed :)

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