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Furby nearing 60000 miles!!


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Yeah im trying not to worry about miles,ive never had a really modern car like this Ive been told that mileage dosent really matter any more,I think ill take that with a pinch of salt :) Ive just read the t&c and it dosent state that I need to keep up servicing with the main dealer,Especially when my local garage said that they could do a service for
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Martyng, on the basis that the dealer has quoted to replace a timing belt that doesnt exist, I'm not sure I would put any faith in the quote given !

Yeah at the end of the day they are all out for whats in your wallet,rather than whats best for you! :thumbdwn:

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Martyng, on the basis that the dealer has quoted to replace a timing belt that doesnt exist, I'm not sure I would put any faith in the quote given !

Hello Rainbow-Walker

.... "a belt that does't exist" - Are you saying that the 1.9SDI Diesel doesn't have a timing belt and tensioners?

or that the cost is OTT? (How much would you expect the cost to be?)

(I am a non techi so please excuse my ignorance)

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Hello Rainbow-Walker

.... "a belt that does't exist" - Are you saying that the 1.9SDI Diesel doesn't have a timing belt and tensioners?

or that the cost is OTT? (How much would you expect the cost to be?)

(I am a non techi so please excuse my ignorance)

Pretty sure the SDI does have a belt, it's the 1.4-8v which doesn't. I paid

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