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Visually etc. My car of the day -today


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Edited by vrskeith
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Prefer this as my daily fully spec'd at less than 2/3rds of the outlay of the above offering from BMW .



Edited by vrskeith
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1 hour ago, e-Roottoot said:


No cameras allowed in the garages i visit were there are often just cheeky monkeys & no drinks on offer.




I wish I could stand Schmeeeeeee, but I find him and in particular his voice, grating. Shame really as he seems to have great taste in cars 


Sorry Schmeee 

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I get the impression, that apart from superior traction, the new Comp M3/4 isn't really any quicker than the old, at least in a straight line. Admittedly, it might not try to kill you as often :D I saw one yesterday in a BMW showroom (having my car serviced) and it didn't look too bad at all. The grill certainly doesn't jump out at you, at least in the dark colour the car was sporting. It's an interesting shape to pour over. Mind you, I owned a series 1  123D which was not the most beautiful of cars in it's day  :D 

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