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Greetings from Greater Manchestershire


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Hi all!

Pickin' up my new Fabia VRS on saturday morning - it's like Christmas Eve when you were 6 years old - I can't sleep!!! I've wanted one since they came out.

Just to let you know who I am - my name is Gaz, I am fortunate/unfortunate enough to live in Manchester and I am a full time trade union official for government employees in the North West. Sadly, the cost of my new car in no way reflects the wages they pay me...

Anyway - during the next BTCC season, I won't have to look at all the Skodas parked up together from afar - hopefully I will be able to park amongst you all.

Speak to you soon,

skinnygazc :D

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yep sarah - that's one more 'sleep'. Dont think I will though - haven't slept since I paid for it....

Just realised - my house is going to look like a Skoda Dealer's forecourt. My Dad's got a black magic Octavia VRS - there will be my Fabia VRS (also black magic) and my Mother is even thinkin' of getting one now!! That just leaves my brother. He'll probably get a Golf (snob). lol

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Ask them if theyve got any jobs goin!!! I can assure you now that my wages would never buy me a spanking new M3 - my mates in the airforce and drives one but he's on an absolute wonga of cash - at least twice my wage.

A lot of full time union officials get paid the same wage that they were on when they did their 'real job' because the technically remain employees of their employer (if that makes any sense) but are seconded to the union. Being a lowly Band 4 VAT advisor in Customs and Excise meant that when I became a full time official - my wage was ok but nowhere near where I would like it to be.

Would rather have the VRS over the M3 anyway - more of a sheep in wolves' clothing.

Gaz C

PS: Too bl**dy right you want your TUPE agreement!! You should damned well get it!!! I have a couple of mates who are reps with Unison and I dont envy them one little bit!

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