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Potential 'easy' mods: concerns!

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Furby's just approaching 1k miles. As advised when running-in, I'm touching 3000rpm now and again (can't wait to get a few more k and start thinking about re-maps etc!).

A couple of questions for you guys in the know.

After checking the archives about what appears to be the two simplest (easily reversable/ie. undetectable) mods, namely Green filter and PD160 intake, frankly I'm a bit concerned. What's the latest concensus on:


1) Does it cause abraision by rubbing against other piping?

2) Do you have to cut bits off?

3) Does it work loose at one end?

4) Does it improve low-end pull whilst reducing it at the top-end?

5) Is the Euro-spec one the best to get (slightly bigger)?


1) What's the point of risking over-oiling, when its supposed to be good for 10k and not expensive to replace.


Any reports of warrenty/MAF related problems with these two.

I'm not paranoid, honest! (just in love).



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On the working loose - yes it did on mine on the front part, nothing a well-placed cable-tie couldnt fix though ;)

Definitely made it easier to rev higher without problems, didnt make much difference at lower revs as expected :)

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1) No.

2) No.

3) No.

4) No - I've found it generally better at all points on the rev range.

5) Didn't think there'd be much difference if at all. (is compared to oem pd ones though ;))

1) The risk is negligible. If you follow the instructions and do the 1 squirt per cotton rib all the way along, then its fine. Its people who do it off their own back and just squirt like they've never squirted before, who will knackere their MAFs - The gains of the cotton filter in de-restriction are worth it, if the instructions are followed (also think over time the extra cost will pay for itself in swapped oem filters - mine's at 40k now and I think I'm into profit with what 4 oem filters would have cost me - and I've had the performance too :cool: )

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Cheers' date=' Guys.

Based on what you've told me, **** it, gonna go for it!

Question 2:

Local Seat dealer: nice guy; no probs on intake.

However, cheapest place to order Green Cotton Filter from (online)? Your suggestions would be welcome.


JBS Auto Designs

Ask for Sarah

Very good indeed and much respected on this site :thumbup:

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