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Headlight washer "feature"

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headlight washers on my Mk2 elegance operate as expected the first time I use them on a journey but then don't come on again unless the lights are turned off and back on again (which is a bit dodgy while driving!!). On my last Mk1 octavia they operated every time I wanted them - is this a new "feature" or a fault????

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headlight washers on my Mk2 elegance operate as expected the first time I use them on a journey but then don't come on again unless the lights are turned off and back on again (which is a bit dodgy while driving!!). On my last Mk1 octavia they operated every time I wanted them - is this a new "feature" or a fault????

They operate at first squirt [usually] then only every fifth or sixth time you operate the main screen washer. Go figure.

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I find the use of the hdlt washers a bit disconcerting, as it looks as if you are turning off you lights for that couple of seconds! :confused:

Yeah, first couiple of times I thought I'd just hit a puddle.

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& it makes people in front think you just flashed them :D

Best ones are the Merc E class ones. They operate from a seperate button and are independent from the windscreen ones. With the aerodynamics of the car you can squirt the car behind, sorry your headlights, without making your own screen mucky :D :D

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