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Wheel Spacers vs Locking Wheel Nuts


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I'm currently looking to stick some Forge wheel spacers on my front wheels to even them up with the rear ones... and in order to do this I've got to get longer wheel bolts.


Problem is, I can only find standard bolts and not any locking wheel nuts.



There's no way I'm leaving my wheels insecure... so is there any way around this?


TIA :)

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There are some radius locking bolts on here that might be what you need: http://www.thenutsandboltsshop.com/product.asp?numPageStartPosition=1&P_ID=181&strPageHistory=cat&strKeywords=&strSearchCriteria=&PT_ID=92


Just double check that they are the correct fitment first as I'm not sure what your car needs.



These chaps might be able to sort you out with a custom set as well: http://www.alloywheelsdirect.net/option/locking_bolts

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