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Change of alloys

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I don't want to count chickens before they're even a gleam I the rooster's eye, but I had an encouraging call from Skoda Customer service hinting that it might not be impossible for my motor to have Stratos....!

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I don't want to count chickens before they're even a gleam I the rooster's eye, but I had an encouraging call from Skoda Customer service hinting that it might not be impossible for my motor to have Stratos....!

So they've found 3 and now looking high and low for the 4th!!

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I'm waiting for a call back today from skoda CS about the wheel issue. But, I was due a call last Friday that never materialised, and when they did call back Monday the issue had simply been transferred to someone else who was waiting for a response from skoda 'brand'. We'll see what comes...

Maybe they'll offer us shared ownership thewinelake. I'm calling shotgun on weekends!!

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The latest is a request from customer services saying that if I could have 18" wheels, are there any designs I'd prefer - so I said Pegasus (as they seem to be just the same as Stratos) but I'd still prefer Stratos for the softer ride, marginally better fuel economy and cheaper tyres (although I'm hoping that tyres won't need replacing)

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Skoda did respond today, but only to advise still no answer. Matter being pursued with factory. Further update hoped for on Friday... Sound familiar?!

I'd be delighted if they wanted to upgrade my vehicle to 18" alloys, and it would seem to be a logical solution to keep customers happy - particularly those of us going down the pch route as skoda will ultimately have an improved asset returned at end of contract.

For me any of the designs would be a massive improvement over the 17" Helios/Zeus alternative, but if given the luxury of choice also I think it would be a toss up between Modus & Pegasus.

Here's hoping for a pleasant surprise on Friday...

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particularly those of us going down the pch route as skoda will ultimately have an improved asset returned at end of contract.

I wish that was the case but it seems the buyer basically has to pay for every extra in the term of their loan - every extra i specced cost me the full price so went for zero extras!

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Sworks - I get the impression that they're thinking about it. Maybe will know more later today.

Out of interest, why dodo many people prefer 18"? Is it just the looks?

Edited by thewinelake
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Missed point, peld?

I got a discount on my extras (leather & canton) about 16%?

perhaps for something like leather you got a small discount - I specced up a spare wheel and rear camera and the cost was was completely incorporated in to my lease.

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I ordered a SIII Business SE estate in Metallic moon white w/e 30th August with Stratos alloys via lease company. Have been chasing lease company for updates but nothing until email from dealer last week advising delays due to issues with the Stratos alloys and that if would take the fugly Helios they could build it wk 47 :no: .


Advised dealer that I wouldn't take the Helios wheels but I don't think they're having much luck with Skoda :thumbdown: as they won't do a FOC upgrade nor promise they can source the Stratos. They are going to go back to SUK but not holding my breath.


Don't change my car very often, currently have an A6 Avant which I've had for 10 years, so not sure that I could handle looking at the Helios for the next 2 years! Will have to wait and see what SUK finally offer before deciding what to do with my order.

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I ordered the 18" 'Pegasus' Rims on mine but wanted the Antracite ones as on the L& K but they wouldn't allow me.

Black/Dark Grey Alloys are all in at the moment but Skoda don't have any for the Superb unless you order the Sportline one when it is launched. Can't understand thheir thinking, if a customer wants to pay extra for certain alloys then what's the problem??

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17" wheels look far too small relative to the dimensions of the car. It looks all out of proportion and 'balance'. I'm just leasing though and wouldn't warrant the cost - I don't see them when i'm in the car, and it is just a massive diesel Skoda estate in any case.

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I ordered the 18" 'Pegasus' Rims on mine but wanted the Antracite ones as on the L& K but they wouldn't allow me.

Black/Dark Grey Alloys are all in at the moment but Skoda don't have any for the Superb unless you order the Sportline one when it is launched. Can't understand thheir thinking, if a customer wants to pay extra for certain alloys then what's the problem??


If they allowed you to choose all of the items that the top of the range model had as std (or as an option) then the flagship loses some of it’s exclusivity. 

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If they allowed you to choose all of the items that the top of the range model had as std (or as an option) then the flagship loses some of it’s exclusivity.

Fair enough but they should have some different colour alloys as an option like in other models
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Dealer has confirmed that I can have the Stratos alloys on my SE Businesss :clap:  but this will delay build date until early January! :sweat:  


Have just decided to wait, with my fingers crossed that the supply issues will be resolved sooner rather than later.


@thewinelake - have you heard anything from SUK?

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