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Which diesel chip ?

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The digital boxes are all much of a muchness, with the exception of the Bromley Tunit which is the Rolls Royce of tuning boxes and costs 2x as much. If you go for a Dragon (www.mrhoot.com) via their web site, e-mail them and negotiate the price down to their eBay selling prices :D

I would have had one on my Mondeo but it took them 5 days to reply to an enquiry e-mail (which I'm told is very unusual) so I took my custom elsewhere :D


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Well with these types of questions you will get people saying that they use brand a and this is better than brand b.

The best thing to do would do a search for what you are looking for.

I have seen many an argument arise after a question like that.

There are quite a few available for your car.

The PD130 engine is the same that is in the Fabia vRS.

So look at those power gains too as this could be matched with your car.



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I'm yet to be convinced by the Dragon...

My Octygone's went on the rolling road straight after mine, and my standard 130 produced 160bhp, and his "Dragonned" Superb produced 177bhp... They are the same engine, same rollers, same day etc, which leads me to believe the Dragon only gives around 17bhp increase :rubchin:

Editted to add - a Jabba remap can be had for just over £300 - surely that would be a better option? Just a thought.

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My Octygone's went on the rolling road straight after mine, and my standard 130 produced 160bhp, and his "Dragonned" Superb produced 177bhp... They are the same engine, same rollers, same day etc, which leads me to believe the Dragon only gives around 17bhp increase :rubchin:

How did the printout curves compare? :D


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